Duelling Keeps - by Gherkin
The Duelling Keeps Deathmatch map. A faithful and accurate recreation of
the Quake3 Arena map. Legacy takes multiplayer far beyond Doom's deathmatch
beginnings. |
Improved Netcode - by VenGeance
New netcode, massive multiplayer games are now possible. Team deathmatch,
3 different modes, and a variety of other options. All this AND up to 32
players on the field at once, slugging it out! |
MD2 models in Legacy - by Rellik
Legacy's in development 3D model support. Coming soon! |
Doom Pong - by Darkwolf
Thought Doom was just about killing stuff eh? With some creativity and clever
scripting, voilà, Doom Pong! |
Dynamic Lighting - by ToXiCFLUFF
Clever mapping and dynamic lighting used to create a disturbing amount of
atmosphere in a 10 year old game. |
3D Detail - by Rellik
With Legacy's 3D floors a mapper can make extremely realistic gaming enviroments. |
Hardware Fog - by Aliotrophe?
An example of Legacy's hardware fog effects. Just looking at it makes your
lungs hurt... |
Legacy Sidescroller - by ToXiCFLUFF
You can even use Legacy to make a classic sidescrolling game. The new editing
options are constantly being expanded so people can turn the game into something
completely different! |
Complex Structure - by DooMAD
Using Legacy's 3D floors incredibly realistic and intricate structures can
be made. |
Sphere Of OpenGL Coronas - by Darkwolf
A sphere made out of softly glowing OpenGl light coronas. Another example
of creative Legacy users using scripting to take the game in new directions. |
Dynamic Lighting - by Rellik
Dynamic lighting used to add atmosphere to a machinima set. With Legacy
maps can be made that rival Quake 2 in appearance. |
Dynamic Lighting - by ToXiCFLUFF
Another example of wonderful use of dynamic lighting. |
Heretic - by Raven Software
Now play Heretic in high quality Hardware acceleration with dynamic lighting
and (currently) up to 1024x768 resolution. |
PWAD Icebound - by Doom_Dude
Heretic mappers can now use all the great Legacy engine features to make
their levels truly epic. |
Semi-Transparent Floors - by Mr. Rocket
Online DOOM deathmatching has never been better with so many new editing
and play options. Here semi-transparent 3-D floors are used to great effect. |