"DOOM shall never die, only the players."
Ray Davis

Doom Legacy 1.48.16 released

by smite-meister on 2025-01-12

Doom Legacy 1.48.16 (rev1708) was released about three weeks ago, but I only got around to announcing it now. Sorry about that! The binaries and other packages can be found in the download area.

As usual, the release contains new features such as options for varying the gameplay and improvements to bot intelligence, in addition to bug fixes. See docs/whatsnew.html for the changelog.

Doom Legacy 1.48.14 released

by smite-meister on 2023-12-29

Doom Legacy 1.48.14 (rev1663) has been released, and can be found in the download area.

This release contains both bugfixes and new features, see docs/whatsnew.html.

NOTE: This release initially contained old version 1.48.12 executables by accident. Please re-download and re-install if you got the old executable.

Doom Legacy 1.48.12 released

by smite-meister on 2022-12-19

Doom Legacy 1.48.12 (rev1643) has been released, and can be found in the download area.

This release contains both bugfixes and new features, see docs/whatsnew.html.

Doom Legacy 1.48.10 released

by smite-meister on 2022-01-16

Doom Legacy 1.48.10 (rev1617) has been released, and can be found in the download area.

This release contains both bugfixes and new features, see docs/whatsnew.html.

Doom Legacy 1.48.8 released

by smite-meister on 2021-01-03

Doom Legacy 1.48.8 (rev1568) has been released, and can be found in the download area.

This is a bugfix release. It fixes several issues in 1.48.6, see docs/whatsnew.html.

Doom Legacy 1.48.6 released

by smite-meister on 2020-10-21

Doom Legacy 1.48.6 (rev1552) has been released, and can be found in the download area.

See docs/whatsnew.html for the list of the new features.

Doom Legacy 1.48 released

by smite-meister on 2020-05-17

Doom Legacy 1.48.4 (rev1532) has been released, and can be found in the download area.

See docs/whatsnew.html for the list of the new features.

Doom Legacy 1.47 released

by smite-meister on 2018-07-25

Doom Legacy 1.47.2 (rev1412) has been released, and can be found in our download area.

The new features include MBF (Marine's Best Friend) compatibility, support for sprites with 16 rotation positions, the possibility of multiple clients and the server running on the same computer, plus many bug fixes. For the full list of changes, see docs/whatsnew.html.

Doom Legacy 1.46.3 released

by smite-meister on 2017-03-03

Doom Legacy 1.46.3 (rev1301) has been released, and can be found in our download area.

This is a bugfix release, see docs/whatsnew.html.

Doom Legacy 1.46.2 released

by smite-meister on 2016-12-21

Doom Legacy 1.46.2 (rev1287) has been released, and can be found in our download area.

This release fixes among other things a major savegame bug introduced in 1.46.1, see docs/whatsnew.html.

Doom Legacy 1.46 released

by smite-meister on 2016-10-25

Doom Legacy 1.46.1 (rev1278) has been released, and can be found in our download area.

For the full list of changes, see docs/whatsnew.html.

Doom Legacy 1.45 beta1 released

by smite-meister on 2014-05-17

The first beta version of Doom Legacy 1.45 (rev1107) is out, you can find it in our download area.

1.45 will be our first "official" release in several years and it is absolutely packed with bugfixes and new features!
For the full list of changes, see docs/whatsnew.html.

Doom Legacy 1.44 alpha5 released

by smite-meister on 2014-02-16

The fifth and final alpha release of Doom Legacy 1.44 (rev1089) is here.
Linux 3.2 64-bit version will follow soon, then we'll start the beta phase! Binary only:

Doom Legacy 1.44 alpha4 released

by smite-meister on 2012-12-23

Special holiday release of Doom Legacy 1.44 alpha4 (rev999)!

Doom Legacy 1.44 alpha3 released

by smite-meister on 2011-07-10

Ladies and gentlemen, Legacy 1.44 alpha3 (rev845) is finally out, brimming with bugfixes and new features.

Doom Legacy 1.44 alpha2 released

by smite-meister on 2011-01-21

The second alpha release (rev778) of Legacy 1.44 is here!
Note: The first 32-bit Linux alpha2 binaries (rev777) included some unfinished code which corrupted savegames, now they're fixed.

Doom Legacy 1.44 alpha1 released

by smite-meister on 2010-09-03

The first alpha release of Legacy 1.44 is out!
No guarantees of anything, enjoy!

Doom Legacy 1.44 to be released soon

by smite-meister on 2010-06-18

About six months ago the Legacy project acquired a new developer, WDJ, who had been sending us numerous bugfixes. Based on his suggestion we decided to make a long overdue bugfix release of Legacy 1.42. After months of work and with more than 60 bugs squashed we are finally about to release Legacy 1.44!

After this release we'll move our focus back to the development branch, Legacy 2. We hope to be able to release a beta version in a few months.

The new website is up

by smite-meister on 2010-06-17

The Doom Legacy website has moved back to SourceForge.net!
We'll soon post some news about the upcoming release(s)...
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