Compiling Doom Legacy 1.4x SDL

In order to compile Doom Legacy 1.4x SDL you'll need to have the following libraries installed on your system.
Make sure you install the developer packages of the libraries, which include both the runtime libraries (DLLs) and the stuff required during compilation (header files and import libraries).

NOTE: Most Linux distributions offer these libraries in the form of precompiled packages.

LibraryVersionUbuntu/Debian packageDescription
SDL 1.2.10+ libsdl1.2-dev Simple DirectMedia Layer. A multiplatform multimedia library.
SDL_mixer 1.2.7+ libsdl-mixer1.2-dev A multichannel mixer library based on SDL.
OpenGL 1.3+ (several) The standard cross-platform graphics library, usually comes with the OS.

You will require the following programs during the build process:

Download the Doom Legacy source. You can either get the source package or, for the latest code snapshot, checkout the legacy_one/trunk/ directory from the Subversion repository:

svn co some_local_dir

From now on, your local copy of this directory will be referred to as TRUNK.

You can have multiple versions of the 'src' directory, such as d01, d02, d03, etc.. To compile these, cd to the src directory you wish to compile, and run 'make' from there. The src Makefile will find the BUILD directory.

Make Options

The make_options file controls the make process.

Edit it to select various compiling options. Spelling of options must be exactly one of the specified choices.

Install Options

The Makefile has options for installing the program. This is traditional for Linux makefiles. It is espcially useful when compiling your own binary.

You can use any other kind of installation too, such as copying the bin files to a "run" directory. Do not try to run DoomLegacy from the compile environment, as the run setup is quite different.

You can have several doomlegacy versions in your run directory. They may have any name you choose. I suggest making a name that identifies the variation, such as "dl_i686_athlon_v3".

You must have system permissions for the type of install. An ordinary user can only install_user.

>> make install
Provides install instructions.

The following are supported in "make_options":

Compiling Legacy

  1. Open a shell window, like console. Go to the TRUNK.
  2. If you want a separate BUILD directory, then create it. Create bin, dep, objs directories there. The BUILD directory will need its own make_options file (see step 4). This allows you to compile SDL in one directory, and X11 in another.
    >> make BUILD=x11 dirs
  3. The top level TRUNK is the default BUILD directory. The make_options file there will control the build, when BUILD is not specified.
  4. Select and configure your make_options file. Copy one of the make_options_xx files to make_options of your BUILD directory. Edit your make_options to set your configure options.
    >> cp make_options_nix x11/make_options
  5. Edit compile options in doomdef.c. These are options within DoomLegacy. Some features can be disabled to make a smaller binary. There are also some experimental code options, that are kept disabled.
  6. To clean the build:
    >> make clean
  7. To build the executable:
    >> make
  8. To build a debug version:
    This puts the debugging symbols for the debugger in the binary. The debug version also forces DoomLegacy video to an 800x600 window, so the user can switch between the debugger window and the DoomLegacy window.
    >> make DEBUG=1
  9. To build with bin, obj, dep, in a separate directory (example x11):
    >> make BUILD=x11
  10. Example:
    >> make BUILD=x11d clean
  11. Example:
    >> make BUILD=x11d DEBUG=1 MIXER=1
  12. Example MinGW:
    Must use mingw32-make, not the make command from MSYS.
    >> mingw32-make DEBUG=1 clean
  13. Read the Makefile for the help at the top of the file. This will document the latest commands.

Coding rules and practices

Know bugs/issues

 - splats on opengl/glide have serious z-problems and are not clipped 
   to the seg 
 - the splats should be in segs and not in linedefs, so we can clip it 
   and render only when needed (actualy there is overdraw in opengl/3dfx)
 - when clientprediction2 is enabled (see doomdef.h) the spirit mobjs
   have some serious z problems when exiting/entering moving platforms
 - there is no splats on floors and ceiling, fab have begon but 
   haven't finish
 - sprite that have transparent region (torch, lost soul...) are full 
   transparent in 3dfx/opengl

Explanation of the code

 3.1 The memory model (z_zone.c) (by BP) (revised WDJ)

 DoomLegacy allocates memory at begining and provides allocations of it via
 Z_Malloc functions.

 There are several compile-time options for the memory block allocation.
   PLAIN_MALLOC:  Substitute malloc for zone memory allocation.
        This ignores memory tags, and it cannot recover PU_LEVEL, PU_CACHE memory.
   TAGGED_MALLOC: Uses malloc, and uses memory tags.
   ZONE_ZALLOC:   The zone memory system, with preallocated memory.
                  The memory allocation size is set by #define, and command line switches.
   GROW_ZONE:	  An option that grows the zone memory allocation when needed.
   AGGRESSIVE_PURGE:  Aggressive purge of PU_CACHE, primarily as a
                  memory allocation test.
 Z_Malloc( int size, int tag, void* user )
 size: is the size in bytes
   PU_STATIC:  Allocated static (like malloc does).
               Call Z_Free to free it.
   PU_SOUND, PU_MUSIC: Static while playing. Specific to music uses.
   PU_LOCK_SB: Static and protected against changing tag or releasing.
               Must change with PU_UNLOCK_CACHE to unlock it.
               Used to protect status bar textures.
   PU_HWRPATCHINFO:  Hardware renderer texture cache only.
   PU_HWRPATCHCOLMIPMAP:  Hardware renderer texture cache only.
   PU_LUMP:    Generic allocation for lump reading.
               At end of level, will be converted to PU_CACHE.
   PU_IN_USE:  Protected against other allocations while it is in use. The user
               is expected to FREE it or change it to PU_CACHE when they are done.
               At end of level, will be converted to PU_CACHE.
   PU_LEVEL:   Static until level is over, where a call to Z_FreeTag will
               release all PU_LEVEL allocations, and their user ptrs set NULL.
   PU_LEVELSPEC: A PU_LEVEL for thinkers.
   PU_HWRPLANE:  A PU_LEVEL for hardware renderer planes.
   PU_PRIVCACHE: PU_CACHE allocation that is kept longer, until PU_CACHE is gone.
               Used by expensive combined patch textures.
   PU_HWRCACHE: PU_CACHE for hardware renderer graphics.
   PU_CACHE:   Automatic free, when memory is needed by another Z_Malloc
               allocation.  When Z_Malloc reuses it for another allocation,
	       the user ptr will be set to NULL.
	       When the user accesses a PU_CACHE allocation, where other allocation
	       calls could have occurred, the user ptr must be checked for NULL,
	       and the item reloaded when necessary.
	       Change this allocation to a more protected tag when accessing
               it around any code that does Z_Malloc allocation.


 3.2 Hardware Texture model (by BP)

 Eatch texture/patch/flats/pic in legacy are converted to hardware texture at 
 runtime (the GlideMipmap_s structure (hw_data.h)). I will call hardware 
 texture a gr_texture so there is no confusion.

 To remind you :
  - Texture are set of patch and are associate to linedefs (walls) can be 
    upper, lower or middle texture. It can have hole on it.
  - patch are sprites (the doom patch are run of vertical lines)
  - flats are used for floors and ceiling of sectors and have size of 64x64
    it can't have hole on it
  - pic are new legacy format for picture, it can only handle plain texture 
    like flats it is now used for hud in full screen for the main picture 
    of legacy and for coronas (the format was extended to handle 32 bit color
    or intensity + alpha, not all are implemented at this time)

 Since patch, flat and pic are basic structure represented by only one lump in
 the wad, the wad loader allocate for eatch lump a GlideMipmap_s (cache3Dfx) 
 and init data field to NULL. Since the data structure is allocated in 
 PU_3DFXCACHE (like PU_CACHE) the data will be initilised when needed 

 The GlideMipmap_s structures for textures are initialized on 
 HWR_PrepLevelCache (hw_cache.c) it is called in P_SetupLevel (load level)
 the number of textures is computed with TEXTURE1, TEXTURE2 lumps since this
 can be changed in runtime in legacy (load a wad while runing) it must be 
 reallocated. Well, at this time it is realloceted at eatch level start. We 
 can do better, since numtextures change only when a wad is loaded.

 The 3dfx driver use glide3, it load gr_texture in gr_texture memory of the 
 card in fifo order when there is no more place it remove the first gr_texture,
 the downloaded field of GlideMipmap_s go to false and when needed it is 
 reloaded in gr_texture memory. In OpenGl, since OpenGl keep texture in there 
 own memory and handle gr_texture memory of the card we no more need to 
 redownload it but if we not free time to time gr_texture memory in opengl, 
 it will get alot of memory, so the gr_texture memory is cleared at eatch 
 new level (same time of texture reallocation). Opengl and 3dfx link the 
 loaded gr_texture with the nextmipmap field of GlideMipmap_s so before clear 
 textures of the heap we MUST free gr_texture memory of OpenGl or 3dfx !

 Legacy can also draw patch with a differant colormap (thanks to Hurdler).
 When needed it create the same gr_texture but just with a differant colormap. 
 This one is linked with the original in the GlideMipmap_s with the 
 nextcolormap field.

 So when a polygone with a gr_texture must be drawn, first we check if the 
 gr_textures is not allready loaded in hadware memory (downloaded field) if 
 not then we check if gr_texture data is there (not grabbed by z_malloc 
 function) if not we must recompute it eatch type of gr_texture (texture, 
 patch, flat, pic have there own methode) the we can send the gr_texture 
 to 3dfx or OpenGl.