Note: We'd like to thank Quasar for allowing us to modify the docs of the Eternity Engine to reflect Legacy FraggleScript implementation.

FraggleScript Function Reference

Last updated 2019-10-02

Notation for the following description:

[return-type] [function-name]([parameter list])

[return-type] : The type of data returned by the function.
This may by int for integers, fixed for fixed-point numbers, string for strings, mobj for a mapthing reference, array for an array reference, the type name for any other arbitrary type, label for the literal name of a label, or void for nothing. If a function returns void, it cannot be meaningfully used in an assignment statement or as a parameter to another function because it does not evaluate to any meaningful value. Also notice that void is not actually a keyword in FraggleScript, and you cannot declare variables of type void.

[function-name] : The name of the function.
Use this name to call the function in your program, in the form "name(x)".

[parameter-list] : The parameters passed into the function.
If this is empty, then the function does not accept any parameters.

Function call example:
script 0 { print("Hello Dwarf King!\n"); dwarfking = spawn(DWARF, 300, -1012, 0, -44); dooropen( 3 ); }

Parameter type:

Items appear in the list as [type] [name] constructs, where [type] indicates the type of variable you can pass in this position, and [name] is the name used within the function body. In many cases the actual parameter will be coerced into the parameter type by automatic type conversion.

Optional parameters:

Optional parameter items appear in the descriptions inside square brackets, such as "[ int optional_z_position ]". These square brackets only appear in the descriptions to denote that those parameters are optional, not to be confused with array brackets which are part of an array reference. Do not include the optional parameter denoting square brackets in any actual script. When there are two optional parameters, then to use the second requires that the first also be present (they are positional).

Example: void opendoor(int tagnum, [int waittime], [int speed])
Valid usages for this description (using named consts) would be:
In some cases the first parameter is optional, which is allowed only because it has a unique type that can be tested, such as an mobj, and/or because the function can test the actual number of parameters.

Example: void teleport([mobj mo], int sectortag)
Valid usages (using named consts) would be:

Variable list of parameters:

Appears as "..." in the function description. At the position of the "...", the actual function call takes a variable number of parameters, up to 128 parameters for the function. The number of actual parameters allowed for the "..." is 128 minus the number of any other function parameters. The "..." only appears in the function description to denote a variable number of parameters, do not include it in any script.

Script trigger mobj:

The mobj (player or monster) that triggered the start of the script. This may occur from pushing a button or walking over a linedef trigger that has a fragglescript type. Fragglescript keeps a reference to the mobj that started the script running. Many fragglescript functions will operate upon the script trigger mobj when an explicit, optional, mobj parameter is absent.


Angle parameter:

There are several types of angle parameters used in Doom Legacy, and in fragglescript.

Object type:

An int parameter that identifies the type of an object. Object type consts are defined in the header THINGS.H, which is in legacy.wad. To use these consts include THINGS.H in the script file. The include will be performed just before run-time.

Example of include:
[scripts] include("things.h"); spawn( DEMON, 1024, 522, 0 );

Do not use literal numbers to refer to object types as they may change between versions.

Basic Flow Control

void break()
Exits the while-loop or for-loop construct. It will only exit from the inner-most loop in which it lies. Goto can also be used to exit a loop.
void continue()
Advances the loop statements while() and for() to the next iteration.
void return()
Causes the current script to stop executing and destroys its local context (ie. local variables will become invalid). A return() does not pass a return value. Passing values must be done using variables. If this script was called by another, control will return to the calling script.
void goto(label lblname)
Execution jumps to the label with name lblname.
Note that labels are not strings, and that constructs such as goto("lblname") or goto(stringvar) where stringvar is of type string are not valid statements.
void include(string lumpname)

Brings in variables and statements from the lump named lumpname as if they were defined in the current module. Note that included lumps cannot contain scripts or block statements involving braces. The include is performed just before run-time.

Include example:
[scripts] include("things.h") script 0 { ... }

Core Functions

void print(...)
Prints a line of text to the console. Accepts up to 128 parameters of any printable type (int, fixed, string, or mobj) and prints them consecutively. See the player messaging tutorial for more information on formatting and supported escape characters.
int rnd()
Returns a random integer between 0 and 255 inclusive.
int prnd()
Returns a random integer between 0 and 255 inclusive (using the Doom random table).
void beep()
Plays an implementation-defined sound for the console player. (same as the one you hear with 'say' command).
int clock()
Returns the relative game time since startup with a conversion factor of 100 clocks = 1 s.
void wait(int time)
The current script execution is delayed for time number of clocks (100 clocks = 1 s), while other scripts and the game continues to run.
void tagwait(int tag)
The current script execution is delayed until all activity associated with the sector tag number has stopped. This is useful for coordination with sector effects that have their own timing. Beware of calling this function on perpetually moving or specially lighted sectors as the script may never be able to finish execution.
void scriptwait(int scriptnum)
The current script execution is delayed until all instances of the script with number scriptnum have finished execution. If no instances of the script are waiting at time of call, the script will not wait. This is useful for coordination with scripts that are started by linedef trigger actions.
void scriptwaitpre(int scriptnum)
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED The current script is delayed until at least one instance of the script with number scriptnum has started execution. Note that the target script itself must consequently call a wait function in order to give the waiting script time to notice it, otherwise the waiting script will never awaken.
void startscript(int scriptnum)
Starts a new instance of the script with scriptnum. Note that multiple instances of a script can be running at any time. This function is particularily useful in the outer context to start scripts when the map is loaded the first time.
int scriptrunning(int scriptnum)
Returns a non-zero result if any instances of the script with scriptnum are currently waiting, and zero otherwise.

Level Transfer and Game State

void startskill(int level)
Starts a new game on skill level. level can be a value between 1 and 5 inclusive, 1 being "I'm Too Young To Die" and 5 being "Nightmare." This function should only be used in limited contexts as it would be rude to restart the player's game unexpectedly.
void exitlevel()
Exits the current map as if the player had pressed a switch or crossed a line to cause this to happen. Game play will proceed normally to the next level or to an intermission sequence.
void exitsecret()
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Exits the current map as if the player had activated a secret exit. If the "nextsecret" MapInfo field for the current map is set, the player will proceed to that map, otherwise the default exit behavior will occur (which in Ultimate DOOM could cause you to replay a level).
void warp(int skill, string mapname, [int reset])
Exits the current map and warps to a new map, setting the skill level. If reset (0 or 1) is 1, then the player is reset effectively starting a new game. Valid reset is 0 or 1, skill is 1..5.
int gameskill()
Returns a value from 1 to 5 representing the skill level of the current game, with 1 being "I'm Too Young To Die" and 5 being "Nightmare!"
int gamemode()
Returns an integer value representing the current mode of gameplay as follows:
Single-player = 0
Multiplayer Cooperative = 1
Multiplayer Deathmatch = 2

Player Interaction

void tip(...)
Prints a centered message to all players. Accepts up to 128 printable parameters.
void timedtip(int clocks, ...)
Prints a centered message to all players that lasts clocks/100 number of seconds. Accepts up to 127 printable parameters.
void playertip(int playernum, ...)
Prints a centered message to a particular player. Current implementation: playernum has no restriction (previous: playernum must be in the range 0 to 3).
void playertimedtip(int playernum, int clocks, ...)
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Prints a centered message to a particular player that lasts clocks/100 number of seconds. Current implementation: playernum has no restriction (previous: playernum must be in the range 0 to 3).
void message(...)
Prints a normal message to all players.
void playermsg(int playernum, ...)
Prints a normal message to a particular player. Current implementation: playernum has no restriction (previous: playernum must be in the range 0 to 3).
int playeringame(int playernum)
Returns non-zero if player playernum is in the game, otherwise 0. Current implementation: playernum has no restriction (previous: playernum must be in the range 0 to 3).
string playername([int playernum])
Returns the playername of the specified player (player number). If playernum is absent, returns the playername of the script trigger mobj. If this object was not a player, an error will occur.
Does not check if player is in the game (previous docs said it did). Returns empty string when playernum exceeds bounds.
Current implementation: playernum has no restriction (previous: playernum must be in the range 0 to 3).
mobj playerobj([int playernum])
Returns the player mobj for the specified player. With no parameters, retrieves a reference to the mapthing belonging to the player that triggered the current script. If the current script was not started by a player, an error will occur.
If passed a valid player number, it will retrieve a reference to that player's mapthing. If the player is not in the game, a NULL is returned. Current implementation: playernum has no restriction (previous: playernum must be in the range 0 to 3).
int player([mobj mo])
Return the playernum of the specified player. With no parameters, returns the player number of the trigger object. Passed either a mapthing number or an mobj reference, it will do likewise for the specified object. Returns -1 when not a player.
string playerskin([int playernum])
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Returns the name of the skin the player is currently using. If no parameter is given, it will attempt to retrieve the skin of the trigger object. If the trigger object was not a player, an error will occur. Current implementation: playernum has no restriction.
int skincolor(mobj player, [int colornum])
Will test or set the skincolor for a player. The player can be specified by mobj, or playernum (int).
TEST: Returns the skin colornum for the tested player.
SET: With colornum parameter, sets the player to the specified colornum, and returns that colornum.
int isplayerobj([mobj mo])
Will test a specified mobj (mo), or without parameter mo will test the trigger object, for being a player. Returns 1 if the tested object is a player, and 0 otherwise.
int playerkeys(mobj player, int keynum, [int givetake])
Will test or set a key for player number (plnum) and keynum (0-7). The player can be specified by mobj, or playernum (int).
TEST: Without givetake. Will return 1 if the player possesses that key, or 0 if he does not.
SET: With givetake parameter, it will give key to the player if givetake is non-zero, or will take the key away from the player if givetake is zero. Returns zero.
Current implementation: playernum has no restriction (previous: playernum must be in the range 0 to 3, keynum 0-5).
int playerkeysbyte(mobj player, [int keybyte])
Will test or set all keys for player number (plnum). The player can be specified by mobj, or playernum (int).
TEST: Without keybyte. Will return a keybyte with the corresponding bit set for every key possessed by the player.
SET: With keybyte parameter, it will set the keys possessed by the player, to the values in the keybyte. Returns new keybyte.
Current implementation: playernum has no restriction.
The keybyte has one bit per key, as per this table.
Blue card1
Yellow card2
Red card4
Blue skull8
Yellow skull16
Red skull32

int playerarmor(mobj player, [int armorvalue])
Will test or set the armor of a player. The player can be specified by mobj, or playernum (int).
TEST: Returns the armor rating of the player (0-200).
SET: Sets the armor rating of the player (0-200), also changing armor to advanced type when greater than 100. Current implementation: playernum has no restriction
int playerammo(mobj player, int ammonum, [int amount])
Will test or set the ammo of a player, for the selected ammonum. The player can be specified by mobj, or playernum (int).
TEST: Returns the ammo for that ammonum.
SET: Sets the ammo for that ammonum, limited to the max ammo allowed. Returns the set ammo amount.
Current implementation: playernum has no restriction (previous: playernum must be in the range 0 to 3).
The ammonum as per this table.

int maxplayerammo(mobj player, int ammonum, [int amount])
Will test or set the maxammo of a player, for the selected ammonum. The player can be specified by mobj, or playernum (int). Ammonum is the same as in playerammo.
TEST: Returns the maxammo for that ammonum.
SET: Sets the maxammo for that ammonum. Returns the set maxammo amount.
Current implementation: playernum has no restriction (previous: playernum must be in the range 0 to 3).
int playerweapon(mobj player, int weaponnum, [int give])
Will test or set having the weapon for a player. The player can be specified by mobj, or playernum (int).
TEST: Returns 1 if the player has the weapon, otherwise 0.
SET: The give parameter (0 or 1) sets the weapon presense. Give=1 gives the weapon, Give=0 takes it. Returns the give parameter.
Current implementation: playernum has no restriction Weaponnum is (0-8) as per this table.

int playerselectedweapon(mobj player, int weaponnum, [int give])
Will test or set the current selected weapon for a player. The player can be specified by mobj, or playernum (int). TEST: Returns the selected weapon for the player.
SET: Sets the player to change to the specified weapon, without checking if the player has it. Returns the current selected weapon.
Current implementation: playernum has no restriction. Weaponnum is (0-8) as per the weaponnum table.
int playeraddfrag(mobj player, [int plnum2])
Will add a frag to the player (plnum). With optional parameter plnum2, it will add a frag to the player (plnum) from player (plnum2). Current implementation: playernum has no restriction.
int playerpitch(mobj player, [int angle])
Will test or set the pitch angle of a player. The player can be specified by mobj, or playernum (int). The angle is in degrees (previously reported to be radians, suitable for the trig functions).
TEST: Returns the current pitch angle.
SET: Sets the new pitch angle. Returns the current pitch angle.
void playerproperty(int select, int value)
Set the trigger player's property to a new value.
PROP_SPEED:Extra speed
PROP_LOCKED:Controls blocked

Mapthing Interaction

mobj spawn(int objtype, int x, int y, [int angle], [int z])
Spawns a new mapthing with various parameters. The mapthing types are named constants defined in the header THINGS.H in legacy.wad, which must be included by your script file. See object type. Do not use numbers to refer to mapthing types as they will change between versions.
Angle is the facing angle in degrees. To use the z coordinate parameter, the angle coordinate parameter must also be provided. Parameter z is absolute here rather than relative to the floor height. If z is not provided, the thing will spawn on either the floor or ceiling as it would normally.
void kill([mobj mo])
Kill the specified mobj. Parameter mo can be specified by mapthing number or mobj reference. If the parameter mo is absent, will kill the script trigger mobj.
void removeobj(mobj mo)
Remove the specified mobj. Parameter mo can be specified by mapthing number or mobj reference.
fixed objx([mobj mo])
Passed nothing, retrieves the high-precision x coordinate of the mapthing that triggered the current script.
Passed a mapthing number or mobj reference, returns the x coordinate of the object to which it refers.
fixed objy([mobj mo])
Passed nothing, retrieves the high-precision y coordinate of the mapthing that triggered the current script.
Passed a mapthing number or mobj reference, returns the y coordinate of the object to which it refers.
fixed objz([mobj mo])
Passed nothing, retrieves the high-precision z coordinate of the mapthing that triggered the current script.
Passed a mapthing number or mobj reference, returns the z coordinate of the object to which it refers.
void setobjposition(mobj mo, int x, [int y], [int z])
Sets the mobj of parameter (mo) to the x, y, z absolute position. Parameter mo may be passed as a mapthing number or mobj reference. If y, or z, are absent, then that coordinate of the mobj is unchanged. Parameters are positional, to have parameter z requires parameter y.
fixed objangle([mobj mo], [int angle])
Test or set the facing angle of an mobj. The parameter mo can be passed as a mapthing number or mobj reference. If the mobj is absent then the script trigger mobj is test or set. The angle parameter is in degrees.
TEST: Returns the high-precision angle of the tested mobj.
SET: Set the facing angle of the explicit mobj (mo and angle must be present). The mobj can be the player, in which case it imitates a commanded turn.
void setobjproperty(int attribute, int propertyvalue, [mobj mo])
Set the attribute to the propertyvalue, for the specified type of mobj. This changes the attributes for all mobj of that type. Parameter mo may be passed as a mapthing number or mobj reference. If parameter mo is absent, then the attribute of the script trigger mobj will be set.
Include things.h to get the following property const names.
int getobjproperty([mobj mo], int attribute)
Return the attribute value, for the specified type of mobj. These are attributes shared for all mobj of that type. Parameter mo may be passed as a mapthing number or mobj reference. If parameter mo is absent, then the attribute of the script trigger mobj will be returned.
Include things.h to get the property const names, which are the same as in setobjproperty.
int objstate([mobj mo], int stateattribute)
Set the state of the specified mobj to the state number selected by the stateattribute parameter. The state number is obtained from the thing properties, which can be changed by dehacked, BEX, or other fragglescript functions.
Each actor and object has several states (represented by integer numbers), from a range (0..250) shared with other actors and objects. These are the same state numbers used by dehacked. The state controls the object behavior (idle, walk, attack, shoot, stunned, die, explode, dead, resurrect).
Include things.h to get the stateattribute const names.
void damageobj([mobj mo], int damage)
Applies damage to the mobj, by the amount in the parameter damage, using the normal damage routines. The parameter mo can be passed as a mapthing number or an mobj reference. If parameter mo is absent, then applies damage to the script trigger mobj. The script trigger mobj gets the blame for the attack.
int objdead([mobj mo])
Returns 1 if the specified mobj is dead or a corpse. The parameter mo can be passed as a mapthing number or an mobj reference. If parameter mo is absent, then tests the script trigger mobj. Returns 0 upon failure to resolve the mobj.
int objhealth([mobj mo])
Return the health of the specified mobj. The parameter mo can be passed as a mapthing number or an mobj reference. If parameter mo is absent, then the health of the script trigger mobj is returned. Returns 0 upon failure to resolve the mobj.
void healobj([mobj mo], [int health])
Set the health of the specified mobj. This does NOT add health, the script must do any such addition. Currently, there are no limits applied to the health. The parameter mo can be passed as a mapthing number or an mobj reference. If parameter mo is absent, then the health of the script trigger mobj is affected. If parameter health is absent, then the mobj is restored to its spawn health.
void resurrect(mobj mo)
Resurrects (un-kill) the thing of the mobj parameter (mo). Parameter mo can be passed as a mapthing number or mobj reference.
int reactiontime(mobj mo, [int val])
Test or set the reaction time of the specified mobj. The mobj will wait, unable to move, until the reaction time counts down to 0. The reaction time is typically used to stun the player and actors after damage and teleport. The parameter mo can be passed as a mapthing number or an mobj reference.
TEST: Return the raw reaction time field (35 tics = 1 second).
SET: Parameter val is present. Set the reaction time to val, which is in 100'ths of seconds (100=1 second). Returns the raw reaction time field.
int objtype([mobj obj])
Return the object type number for the specified object. The parameter obj can be passed as mapthing number or an mobj reference. If parameter obj is absent, then the object type number of the script trigger mobj is returned. Returns 0 when cannot resolve mobj.
int objsector([mobj mo])
Return the sector tag of the sector the mobj is in. The parameter mo can be passed as a mapthing number or an mobj reference. If parameter mo is absent, gets the sector tag for the script trigger mobj. Returns 0 upon failure to resolve mobj.
int objflag([mobj mo], int flagnum, [int flagvalue])
Tests or sets the specified flag bit of the specified mobj. The parameter mo can be passed as a mapthing number or an mobj reference. If parameter mo is absent, then operates upon the script trigger mobj. The parameter flagnum specifies the flag bit using the consts MF_SPECIAL .. MF_TRANSLUCENT, which are (0..31).
TEST: Return 1 if the specified flag is already set.
SET: Parameter flagvalue is present. Set the specified flag to flagvalue (0 or 1). Return the specified flag after setting it to flagvalue.

These are still the best functions to test and set single flag bits.
Previous warning, which was premature:
This function has been unofficially deprecated due to research into a better method of access to flag fields. It is still internally supported, but further use in new scripts is not recommended.
int objflag2([mobj mo], int flagnum, [int flagvalue])
Tests or sets the specified flag2 bit of the specified mobj. The parameter mo can be passed as a mapthing number or an mobj reference. If parameter mo is absent, then operates upon the script trigger mobj. The parameter flagnum specifies the flag2 bit using the consts MF2 (which are not yet present in THINGS.H), which are (0..31).
TEST: Return 1 if the specified flag2 bit is already set.
SET: Parameter flagvalue is present. Set the specified flag2 bit to flagvalue (0 or 1). Return the specified flag after setting it to flagvalue.

These are still the best functions to test and set single flag bits.
Previous warning, which was premature:
This function has been unofficially deprecated due to research into a better method of access to flag fields. It is still internally supported, but further use in new scripts is not recommended.
int objeflag([mobj mo], int flagnum, [int flagvalue])
Tests or sets the specified eflag bit of the specified mobj. These bits are mostly concerned with mobj state. The parameter mo can be passed as a mapthing number or an mobj reference. If parameter mo is absent, then operates upon the script trigger mobj. The parameter flagnum specifies the eflag bit using the extra flag consts MF_ (which are not yet present in THINGS.H), which are (0..31).
TEST: Return 1 if the specified eflag bit is already set.
SET: Parameter flagvalue is present. Set the specified eflag bit to flagvalue (0 or 1). Return the specified eflag bit after setting it to flagvalue.
fixed objmomx(mobj mo, [fixed momx])
Test or set the x momentum of the specified object. The parameter mo can be passed as mapthing number or an mobj reference. TEST: Return the mobj x momentum.
SET: Parameter momx is present. Set the mo x momentum to the value of parameter momx. Return momx.
Return 0 when cannot resolve the mobj.
fixed objmomy(mobj mo, [fixed momy])
Test or set the y momentum of the specified object. The parameter mo can be passed as mapthing number or an mobj reference. TEST: Return the mobj y momentum.
SET: Parameter momy is present. Set the mo y momentum to the value of parameter momy. Return momy.
Return 0 when cannot resolve the mobj.
fixed objmomz(mobj mo, [fixed momz])
Test or set the z momentum of the specified object. The parameter mo can be passed as mapthing number or an mobj reference. TEST: Return the mobj z momentum.
SET: Parameter momz is present. Set the mo z momentum to the value of parameter momz. Return momz.
Return 0 when cannot resolve the mobj.
void pushthing(mobj mo, fixed angle, fixed force)
Push the mobj (giving it momentum), by apply the parameter force, at the parameter angle. The parameter mo can be passed as a mapthing number or an mobj reference. Pushes the specified thing along a line from its location in the direction of angle for a distance and speed affected by the force applied and its mass. External forces such as friction, wind, or explosions are vector-additive and will still affect the object while it is moving. Angle is in degrees.
void teleport([mobj mo], int sectortag)
Teleports the mobj to the sector marked with sectortag, using a linedef teleport. The parameter mo can be passed as a mapthing number or an mobj reference. If parameter mo is absent, then teleports the script trigger mobj. Automatically spawns fog objects and plays sounds in the appropriate locations.
void silentteleport([mobj mo], int sectortag)
Teleports the mobj to the sector marked with sectortag, using a linedef silent teleport. The parameter mo can be passed as a mapthing number or an mobj reference. If parameter mo is absent, then teleports the script trigger mobj. Works identically to teleport() except that no fog is spawned and no sounds are played.
mobj spawnmissile(mobj source_obj, mobj target_obj, int missiletype)
Spawns a missile of type missiletype, created at source_obj, targeted to parameter target_obj. The missiletype is one of the named constants defined in the header THINGS.H. See object type. Returns the mobj of the missile.

mobj spawnshot(int type, mobj source, mobj target, int face)

Causes one object to fire a projectile at another object. Type constants are provided in THINGS.H as with spawn(). The source and target parameters may be either integer mapthing numbers or mobj references, and can be set to -1 to cause these parameters to default with the following effects:

source set, target = -1: specified object fires at its current target
source = -1, target set: trigger object fires at specified object
source set, target set: specified object 1 fires at specified object 2
source = -1, target = -1: trigger object fires at its current target

The face parameter, if non-zero, will cause the source object to face the target object before firing, possibly incurring inaccuracy if the target object is partially or totally invisible. If face is zero, the projectile will be fired toward the target from whatever side of the source that currently faces it, which may be appropriate for certain effects.

This function is primarily designed for use with the StartScript code pointer via DeHackEd.

DO *NOT* attempt to spawn objects which do not have the MISSILE and NOBLOCKMAP flags with this function. This can cause run-time memory errors. Flag information for objects is available in the DeHackEd documentation.

int checklife([mobj mo])
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED This is a utility function that returns non-zero if the trigger object or specified object, if any, is alive, and zero if its health is less than or equal to zero or it does not exist on the map. This function is not necessary but has been left intact to support maps that used it before addition of >= and <= operators to FraggleScript.
mobj objtarget(mobj mo, [mobj target])
Test or set the target of parameter mobj. The mobj parameters can be passed as mapthing number or an mobj reference. Will return, or set, a reference to that object's current target, which for enemies is the last thing to hurt them and get their attention.
TEST: Return the mobj target object, which is NULL when there is no target.
SET: Parameter target is present. Set the mo target to the value of parameter target.
CLEAR: Parameter target is -1. Clear mo target to NULL.
Returns NULL when cannot resolve mobj.
void objawaken([mobj mo])
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Awakens an object which was spawned on the map at startup with the DORMANT mapthing flag. If passed no argument, it will function on the trigger object. This function has no effect on normal objects.
Description of spawnexplosion in previous documentation did not match the implementation, and had different parameters. See the function radiusattack instead.
int spawnexplosion(int objtype, int x, int y, [int z])
An exploding object will be spawned at the x, y, z absolute coordinates. The objects's deathsound (explosion) will be heard. If parameter z is not provided, then the floorheight will be used. The object type will determine the damage radius and damage amount. The object type is from the list of thing numbers, which includes: BARREL, REVENANTMISL, FLYINGROCKET, FLYINGPLASMA, FLYINGBFG. Other things can have been made to explode by BEX, dehacked, or fragglescript modifications. Returns 1 if the mobj is still present.
void radiusattack(mobj location, mobj source, int damage )
The map object location will emit an explosion (radius attack), with radius (32 ...) that is dependent upon damage. The damage parameter is the amount of damage at the epicenter of the explosion. The source parameter identifies the player, monster, or object that is blamed as as the cause of the explosion for purposes of frags or retaliation. This function will not emit any sound nor will it directly change the state of the spot object (which could indirectly be killed by the explosion). Such actions must be handled separately by the script.
void lineattack(mobj location, int angle, int damage, [int pitch])
The map object will lineattack (like shooting a weapon), from location, in direction of angle parameter. The parameter location can be passed as mapthing number or an mobj reference. The damage parameter is the amount of damage when the lineattack hits. The location mobj identifies the player, monster, or object that is blamed for frags or retaliation. This function will not emit any sound nor will it directly change the state of the location object. The maximum range is that of a missile.

Map Interaction

int mapthingnumexist(int mapthingnum)
Return 1 if there is a mobj for the mapthingnum. Mapthings are the map objects on the map, and are loaded from the wad.
int mapthings()
Return the number of mapthings. The number of mapthings is fixed when loading the level map and does not change.
void testlocation([mobj mo])
Returns 1 if the mobj is not blocked by anything at its current location, otherwise returns 0. Parameter mo may be passed as a mapthing number or mobj reference. If parameter mo is absent, then the script trigger mobj will be tested.
int checksight(mobj obj1, [mobj obj2])
Returns 1 if a straight line between obj1 and obj2 is unobstructed, otherwise 0. Mobj parameters can be passed as a mapthing number or an mobj reference. If obj2 is absent, then the script trigger mobj is used for obj2.
void setnodenext(mobj node1, mobj nextnode)
Link parameter nextnode as the next node after node1. Both node1 and nextnode mobjs must have type NODE. The nodes are map objects can be used as targets for monsters, to set patrol routes, or to make them go somewhere. A node can be set as a monster target. When they reach a node, they will check for a nextnode and target that next. The mobj parameters can be passed as a mapthing number or an mobj reference.
void setnodepause(mobj node1, int waittime)
Set a node to delay a monster by the time in parameter waittime. The node1 mobj must have type NODE. The parameter waittime is in tics (35 = 1 second).
void setnodescript(mobj node1, int scriptnum)
Set the node (parameter node1) to run a script (parameter scriptnum) when a monster touches that node. The node1 mobj must have type NODE. The scriptnum must reference a defined script.

Sector Interaction

int floorheight(int tagnum, [int floorheight], [int crush])
Test or set the floor height of sectors tagged with tagnum. It is an error if there is no sector with the tagnum.
TEST: Only tagnum parameter. Returns the floor height of the first sector found with the tagnum.
SET: Instantly sets the floor height of all sectors with this tagnum, to the parameter floorheight. Optional parameter crush enables crushing when non-zero. The default is no crushing. Returns 1 when done, 0 if it is crushing something.
void movefloor(int tagnum, int destheight, [int speed])
Move floors in all sectors tagged with tagnum, to the new height (destheight). The optional parameter speed is a floor speed multiplier (x2, x3, x4, etc.). When the parameter speed is absent, the floors will move at normal speed.
int ceilingheight(int tagnum, [int ceilheight], [int crush])
  alias: ceilheight
Test or set the ceiling height of sectors tagged with tagnum. It is an error if there is no sector with the tagnum.
TEST: Only tagnum parameter. Returns the ceiling height of the first sector found with the tagnum.
SET: Instantly sets the ceiling height of all sectors with this tagnum, to the parameter ceilheight. Optional parameter crush enables crushing when non-zero. The default is no crushing. Returns 1 when done, 0 if it is crushing something.
void moveceiling(int tagnum, int destheight, [int speed])
  alias: moveceil
Move ceilings in all sectors tagged with tagnum, to the new height (destheight). The optional parameter speed is a floor speed multiplier (x2, x3, x4, etc.). When the parameter speed is absent, the floors will move at normal speed.
string floortexture(int tagnum, [string flatname])
  alias: floortext
Test or set the floor texture of sectors tagged with tagnum. It is an error if there is no sector with the tagnum.
TEST: Only tagnum parameter. Returns the floor texture name of the first sector found with the tagnum.
SET: Sets the floor texture of all sectors with this tagnum, to the parameter flatname. Returns the new floor texture name.
If the flatname does not exist in some currently loaded wad, an R_FlatNumForName error will occur and the game will exit.
string ceilingtexture(int tagnum, [string flatname])
  alias: ceiltext
Test or set the ceiling texture of sectors tagged with tagnum. It is an error if there is no sector with the tagnum.
TEST: Only tagnum parameter. Returns the ceiling texture name of the first sector found with the tagnum.
SET: Sets the ceiling texture of all sectors with this tagnum, to the parameter flatname. Returns the new ceiling texture name.
If the flatname does not exist in some currently loaded wad, an R_FlatNumForName error will occur and the game will exit.
int lightlevel(int tagnum, [int level])
Test or set the light level in sectors tagged with tagnum. TEST: Only tagnum parameter. Returns the light level of the first sector found with the tagnum.
SET: Instantly sets the light level of all sectors with this tagnum, to the parameter level. Returns the new lightlevel.
void fadelight(int tagnum, int destlevel, [int speed])
Gradually fades the light level to the new light level (destlevel). The optional speed parameter is a multiplier of the amount of change per tic. When the speed parameter is absent, the fade speed will be 1.
string colormap(int tagnum, [string cmap])
Test or set the colormap of sectors tagged with tagnum. It is an error if there is no sector with the tagnum.
TEST: Only tagnum parameter. Returns the colormap name of the first sector found with the tagnum.
SET: Sets the colormap of all sectors with this tagnum, to the parameter cmap. Returns the new colormap name.
If the colormap name does not exist in some currently loaded wad (between C_START and C_END), an error will occur and the game will exit.
void opendoor(int tagnum, [int waittime], [int speed])
Opens all sectors tagged with tagnum, like doors. The parameter waittime is the delay (100 = 1 second) before the door closes. If waittime is absent, the door will stay open. The parameter speed multiplies the door speed (1=normal, 4=blaze). If speed is absent, the door will move at normal speed.
void closedoor(int tagnum, [int speed])
Closes all sectors tagged with tagnum, like doors. The parameter speed multiplies the door speed (1=normal, 4=blaze). If speed is absent, the door will move at normal speed.
void setfriction(int tagnum, int friction)
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Sets the friction values of all sectors tagged tagnum to a value represented by the friction parameter. This friction parameter takes the same value used on a BOOM friction transfer linedef, with 100 being normal friction, values less than 100 being greater friction (mud), and values greater than 100 being less friction (ice). It also sets the friction flags of the sectors in question.
int getfriction(int tagnum)
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Returns the friction value as per above for the first sector with tag number tagnum.
void sectoreffect(int tagnum, int effectselect)
Applies the selected effect (effectselect) to all sectors with tagnum. The effectselect is the same as Doom map sector types, as in the following table:

Linedef Interaction

void linetrigger(int special, [int tagnum])
Activates the specified linedef effect (special), for all sectors tagged with tagnum. If the parameter tagnum is absent, then it will use a tagnum of 0, and that usually affects many sectors. The parameter special can be any linedef type that can be trigged like a switch, or triggered like a walkover.
int lineflag(int linenum, [int flagnum], [int flagvalue])
Test or set the linedef flags for the specified linedef. The parameter linenum must be a valid linenum for the map, and flagnum must be 0..31.
TEST: Returns the value of the linedef flag (0 or 1).
SET: Sets the linedef flag to the flagvalue (1:Set, 0:Clear).
The following linedef flags are defined in THINGS.H:
When changing ML_BLOCKING, ML_TWOSIDED, they must be compatible with the map or serious draw errors and movement errors can occur. The effects on reject map use and line-of-sight tests is unpredictable.
void setlineblocking(int tagnum, int block)
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED, use setlineflag instead Toggles the blocking flag for all lines tagged tagnum.
Set block to 1 to cause the line to block all objects, and set it to 0 to cause the line to not block objects. Note that 1-sided lines will always block clipped objects even if the blocking flag is cleared.
void setlinemnblock(int tagnum, int block)
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED, use setlineflag instead Toggles the monster blocking flag for all lines tagged tagnum.
Set block to 1 to cause the line to block monsters, and set it to 0 to cause the line to not block monsters. Note that 1-sided lines will always block clipped monsters regardless of this flag.
void setlinetexture(int tagnum, string texturename, int side, int sectionflags)
Set the specified (lower, middle, upper) textures of all linedefs with tag == tagnum.
The parameter texturename must be the name of a valid texture (not a patch), otherwise an R_TextureNumForName error will occur and the game will exit.
The parameter side selects:
0: side 1
1: side 2

The parameter sectionflags selects one or more of lower, middle, upper textures, to be set.
OR of the following bits:
1: upper texture
2: middle texture
4: lower texture

If a linedef side does not exist, it is skipped without error. The previous implementation would cause a script error.

Camera Control

void setcamera(mobj cameraobj, [fixed angle], [int height], [int pitch])
Sets the script camera viewpoint be the mobj of parameter cameraobj, and turns on the camera. When angle, height, pitch parameters are present, then the script camera, and cameraobj, are set to those values of angle, height, and pitch. The optional parameters are positional. Parameter cameraobj may be passed as a mapthing number or mobj reference. Angle and pitch are in degrees. Pitch may be a value between -50 and 50 degrees, with 0 being straight ahead.

The default angle is the current cameraobj angle. The default pitch is 0. The default height is 41 units above the floor.

When the cameraobj is not the current script camera mobj, then the current script camera mobj is restored to its saved angle, and the current angle of the camerobj is saved. Position, height, and pitch of the cameraobj are not restored. Using a temporary mobj or an unimportant mapthing for the camera object is recommended. Recommend mapthings #5003.

Previous implementation, and DoomLegacy2.0, have returned a pitch value from setcamera, for no good reason. This implementation does not. No script has been found that uses this. Please do not assume setcamera returns anything.
void clearcamera()
Turns off the script camera and returns the viewpoint to the console player. The current script camera mobj is restored to its saved angle, and is disconnected from the script camera.
int movecamera(mobj cameraobj, mobj target, fixed targetheight, fixed movespeed, fixed targetangle, fixed anglespeed)
Move the script camera object toward the target object and height (targetheight), while independently turning it to angle (targetangle). The movement speed is parameter movespeed, and the turning speed is parameter anglespeed. A zero movespeed gives instantaneous movement. A zero anglespeed will slave the anglespeed to the movement. Parameters cameraobj and target may be passed as a mapthing number or mobj reference. The parameters targetangle, and anglespeed, are in degrees. Returns 1 if the camera moved, and 0 otherwise.

The camera is moved as an mobj, and will be obstructed by walls and objects. The script and camera behavior in such cases is implementation dependent. Previous versions caused a script error.

Best used in a loop that calls it repeatedly, until it returns 0, waiting for the next gametic.
Camera example:
script 5 { // move mapthing 126 as a camera // towards mapthing 129, height 40, angle 90 // movement speed 5, angle speed 0 (slaved to movement) while( movecamera(126, 129, 40.0, 5.0, 90.0, 0.0) ) { wait(1); } }

Math and Geometry

fixed pointtoangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
Returns the high-precision angle (in degrees) between the two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) relative to the coordinate axes.
fixed pointtodist(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
Returns the high-precision distance between the two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).
fixed max(fixed x, fixed y)
Returns the maximum of two fixed-precision numbers.
fixed min(fixed x, fixed y)
Returns the minimum of two fixed-precision numbers.
fixed abs(fixed x)
Returns the absolute value of a fixed-precision number.
fixed sin(fixed x)
Returns the sine of the fixed-precision angle (in radians).
fixed asin(fixed x)
Returns the arc sine of (x), as a fixed-precision angle (in radians).
fixed cos(fixed x)
Returns the cosine of the fixed-precision angle (in radians).
fixed acos(fixed x)
Returns the arc cosine of (x), as a fixed-precision angle (in radians).
fixed tan(fixed x)
Returns the tangent of the fixed-precision angle (in radians).
fixed atan(fixed x)
Returns the arc tangent of (x), as a fixed-precision angle (in radians).
fixed exp(fixed x)
Returns exp(x), (e to the power x), in fixed-precision numbers.
fixed log(fixed x)
Returns log(x), (natural log-e), in fixed-precision numbers.
fixed sqrt(fixed x)
Returns the square root of (x), in fixed-precision numbers.
fixed floor(fixed x)
Returns floor(x), (round down to integer part of x), in fixed-precision numbers.
fixed pow(fixed x, fixed y)
Returns the power of a fixed-precision number by another fixed-precision number.

Sound and Music

void startsound(mobj mo, string soundname)
Plays a sound from lump "soundname" at the location of the mobj. The parameter soundname can be a sound normally in the game or a one from a PWAD file. The sound must exist and the name must start with "DS". Parameter mo may be passed as a mapthing number or mobj reference.
void startsectorsound(int tagnum, string soundname)
Plays a sound from lump "soundname" in all sectors with tag number tagnum. The parameter soundname can be a sound normally in the game or a one from a PWAD file. The sound must exist and the name must start with "DS".
void ambientsound(string soundname)
Plays a sound from lump "soundname" at full-volume on the global sound channel. The ambient sound has no source. The parameter soundname can be a sound normally in the game or a one from a PWAD file. The sound must exist and the name must start with "DS".
void changemusic(string musname)
Changes the currently playing music to the music lump "musname." The parameter musname can be music normally in the game or a music lump from a PWAD file. The music lump must exist and the name must start with "D_". A musname of "-" will cause the music to stop, and does not allow any normal music either.

Heads-Up Graphics

int createpic(string lumpname, int x, int y, int draw, int trans, fixed priority)

Creates a new heads-up pic using the lump (lumpname), in the first available handle, and returns that handle number. It is initialized with draw disabled. Draw must be enabled by setpicvisible. It is always drawn as a patch with tranparent areas, in handle order, later handle on top. Sequential createpic calls will draw in that same order, later on top. Deletepic will delete a handle that will be before some earlier createpic, and the next createpic will reuse that handle. Fragglescript pics are drawn last over everything else, except the console.

The lump must be a standard DOOM-format screen graphic, at unscaled screen coordinates (x, y), which may range from 0 to 319 and from 0 to 199 respectively.

Heads-up pics are valid for the duration of the level in which they were created, and will be saved in savegames. This function returns an integer handle that is needed to display, modify, or delete the pic later.

void modifypic(int handle, string lumpname, int x, int y)
Modifies the picture and position of an existing FS pic handle, without changing its draw order.
void setpicvisible(int handle, int visible)
Set the draw enable for the FS pic handle. Drawing is enabled when parameter visible is non-zero, hidden when 0.
void setpictrans(int handle, int trans)
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Modifies the translucency of the FS heads-up pic with this handle. Set trans to a non-zero value to make the pic translucent, and set it to zero to make it solid.
int getpichandle(string lumpname, int x, int y)
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Attempts to get a handle for a pic matching all three provided attributes. This function is not one-to-one. If multiple identical pics are created, it will always retrieve a handle to the one that either has lower priority, or was created last if the priorities are equal. This function is provided for instances where a handle was not saved for some reason (it is recommended that the handle returned by createpic always be saved in a levelscript variable). Returns -1 if no such pic exists.
int getpicattr(int handle, string selector)
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Retrieves an attribute from the FS heads-up pic with this handle. Valid values for selector are "lumpnum", "x", "y", "draw", and "trans". The appropriate attribute will be returned, or -1 will be returned if either there is no such pic, or an invalid selector string is passed.
fixed getpiclp()
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Returns the lowest priority number currently in use by a FS heads-up pic.
fixed getpichp()
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Returns the highest priority number currently in use by a FS heads-up pic.
fixed getpicpriority(int handle)
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Returns the priority number of the FS heads-up pic with this handle. Returns -FRACUNIT if no such pic exists.
void setpicpriority(int handle, fixed priority)
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Sets the priority number of the FS heads-up pic with this handle.

Type forcing Functions

mobj mobjvalue( mobj mo )
Returns the mobj for the specified mobj. The parameter mo can be passed as a mapthing number or mobj.
string stringvalue( polytype v )
Returns a string for the parameter v. The parameter v is coerced into a string value.
int intvalue( polytype v )
Returns an int value for the parameter v. The parameter v is coerced into a int value.
fixed fixedvalue( polytype v )
Returns a fixed point value for the parameter v. The parameter v is coerced into a fixed-point value.

Array Functions

array newArray(...)
Instantiates a new array containing any elements passed, in passing order, preserving the current type of any variable, or the default type of any literal (no coercions will occur). Arrays may contain int, fixed, and mobj values in any combination, but cannot contain strings or other arrays. Additionally, arrays cannot be created in the hubscript, and they cannot be coerced into any other type of value. Up to 128 elements can be passed into a new array using this function, but FS arrays are not limited to 128 elements. A function for adding elements to the end of an array will be added soon.
void copyInto(array source, array target)
Copies all values from the array 'source' to the array 'target'. Both source and target must be pre-instantiated arrays of equal length. Remember that the syntax source.copyInto(target) is valid.
<type> elementAt(array source, int index)
Returns the value stored at 'index' in the array 'source'. Return-type is dependent on the type of the value at that index. An error will occur if index is out of range. Remember that the syntax source.elementAt(index) is valid.
void setElementAt(array target, int index, 'a element)
Copies the value of 'element' into the array 'target' at 'index'; no coercions will occur. An error will occur if index is out of range. Remember that the syntax target.setElementAt(index, element) is valid.
int length(array target)
Returns the current length of array 'target'. Like in C, an array's length is always one greater than the greatest valid index into that array. This function is appropriate for use in the conditional of a for loop as well as for general bounds-checking. Remember that the syntax target.length() is valid.


void runcommand(...)
Executes a console command or list of console commands in the form of strings.
void setcorona( int id, int attribute, polytype value )
Set a corona attribute to parameter value, for the corona of parameter id. The COLOR attributes are specified as {A R G B}, which can be supplied as an integer, or a string of HEX digits. The alpha is required, if it is 0 then alpha will be set to FF.
0:CORONA_TYPESee corona type
1:CORONA_OFFXx offsetfixed
2:CORONA_OFFYy offsetfixed
3:CORONA_COLORHex RGBstring, int
5:LIGHT_COLORHex RGBstring, int

The corona type now has a new format with bit enables and the type of corona. The older predefined names and their values are still recognized. Doom Legacy will convert them to an appropriate new field setting (heuristic guessing).

Corona type (predefined combination values):
1:CORONA_SPRcorona only
2:DYNLIGHT_SPRdynamic light only

For example: ROCKET_SPR works out to be

Corona type (bit enables):
0x01CORONA_SPRenable corona draw
0x02DYNLIGHT_SPRenable dynamic light

The corona type selection should OR'ed with the CORONA_SPR bit.
These names are not defined for fragglescript yet, please use literals.
Corona type selection (field mask 0xF0):
0x00SPLT_unkplain corona, near and far fadeout
0x10SPLT_rocketrocket corona with random flicker, near and far fadeout
0x20SPLT_lamplamp and corona, brighter than plain corona, different size, near and far fadeout
0x30SPLT_firefire and torches, slow flicker, near and far fadeout, 64 generators
0xC0SPLT_lighta light source without an object, far fadeout
0xD0SPLT_fireflyblinking firefly, far fadeout, 64 generator phases
0xE0SPLT_randomrandom LED, no fadeout, 32 generators
0xF0SPLT_pulseslow pulsation, no fadeout, 256 generator phases

The generator phases are selected automatically (by some attribute of the mobj), to avoid lights all blinking in synch.

These effects will be improved in future versions of Doom Legacy, so do not rely upon them remaining exactly as they are. Please use them according to their descriptions and intended usage.

void setcorona( int id, int type, int xoffset, int yoffset, int color, int radius, int dynamic_color, int dynamic_radius )
Set all corona attributes for the corona of parameter id. Parameters are as described in the Attribute table. Parameter type is the CORONA_TYPE attribute, and is from the Corona type table. Parameter color is the CORONA_COLOR attribute, and is a hex rgba color. Parameter radius is the CORONA_SIZE attribute (fixed type value). Parameter dynamic_color is the LIGHT_COLOR attribute, and is a hex rgba color. Parameter dynamic_radius is the LIGHT_SIZE attribute (fixed type value).
void setfade(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha)
Set the hardware render fade using the rgba parameters. This fades the background for a menu to look better.
void playdemo( string lumpname )
Plays the demo (lumpname), same as the playdemo console command. If a lump of lumpname is not found, it appends ".lmp" and tries to play a demo file of that name.
string checkcvar( string cvarname )
Returns the string value of the specified cvar. These are the cvar names that are accessible from the console.