DoomLegacy 1.48 FAQ

Last updated 2024-11-26

If you have any trouble with DoomLegacy, you might find a solution here.

If you find a solution to a problem that was not listed here, please tell us so that we can update the FAQ and help other people!


Doomlegacy version.
As of 1.48.16, the doomlegacy version, and options, can be gotten by:
> doomlegacy --version
This will print out the Operating system, video system, and the major options that doomlegacy can have.

The compile-time options include:

  • ZLIB : zlib is used on compressed extended nodes that some wads have.
  • LIBZIP : is used on zip compressed wads.
  • DLOPEN : The Linux dlopen is used to dynamically detect and load. libraries. Libraries that are dynamically detected have a (dl) after their name.
  • ALSA : the ALSA sound system.
  • OSS : the OSS sound system.
  • ESD : the ESD sound deamon.
  • PulseAudio : the PulseAudio sound system.
  • TiMidity : the TiMidity MIDI player for music.
  • FluidSynth : the FluidSynth MIDI player for music.

These are selections in the make_options file, when you compile DoomLegacy yourself.

For earlier versions of DoomLegacy, look at the first line printed out, which will have the version and rev number.

For any error reporting or questions, it is important to include the version of DoomLegacy you are using.


What command line switches should I use to start DoomLegacy?
See the docs/legacy.html for an explanation of the switches.

If you have a console, start DoomLegacy with the -h switch to see the help output.

If you do not want the Launcher to start, then have at least one switch on the command line. It does not have to be a real switch, -nolaunch, or even -xx will do it.

If you do not have a command line console, or do not want to use it, you can start DoomLegacy without any switches, which will bring up the DoomLegacy built-in Launcher. From the Launcher you can specify almost all switches. The switches -mb (Zalloc memory size), -h (help) are handled before the built-in Launcher runs, and thus the Launcher will ignore them.

You must select the game in the command line switches.

> doomlegacy -game doom2
I also recommend using native video, but as that can now be selected by the saved config, it is not necessary to specify it on the command line.
> doomlegacy -game doom2 -native

From the Launcher this would be:
  Switch:  -native
  Game:    doom2
How does DoomLegacy determine the HOME directory.

There are two home directories to consider. The user home, and the legacy home directory. The legacy home directory, where DoomLegacy saves config and savegames, is created within the user home directory.

The directory names vary by OS (Operating System, like Linux, Windows, DOS), due to filesystem differences. The directory names are specified in the doomdef.h for each OS. These may be changed to compile a DoomLegacy for special circumstances.

The DEFHOME directory name is specified in the doomdef.h file for each OS. It is usually "legacyhome", but is "DL_HOME" on DOS. This is used where an OS (such as DOS) does not have a home directory for each user.

The legacy home directory name also is specified for each OS in the doomdef.h file. There is also an alternative name, such as if your legacy home was created by an older DoomLegacy version. It is usually ".doomlegacy" or ".legacy", or may be a "doomlegacy", "dmlegacy", or "legacy" depending on the OS.

  • The user home can be specified by the -home switch on the command line.
  • If a HOME environment variable is found, it specifies the user home. Linux, BSD, and unix-like operating systems setup HOME during user login.
  • If a "UserProfile" environment variable is specified, it specifies the user home. The is done by WinXP, and probably later versions of Windows (but they change and break things too). This will make the parent of "My Documents" your user home directory by default.

Having a user home directory.
  • After having determined the user home directory, DoomLegacy tries to find the legacy home directory within it.
  • If legacy home is not found, DoomLegacy creates it within the user home directory.

No user home directory:
  • If a home directory is not determined, DoomLegacy will look for the DEFHOME directory (example: legacyhome) in the current directory. If found, it is used as the legacyhome directory. This would have been created by the user, as DoomLegacy would not have created it there.
  • DoomLegacy will use the DEFHOME directory in the program directory as legacy home. It may already exist, or DoomLegacy will create it.

If you are inconsistent about specifying the home directory, you can easily have more than one set of config files. The above does not apply on a Mac, where a legacy home directory is provided by the OS.

Write protected directories, or system protected directories, will prevent DoomLegacy from creating directories. Then you will not be able to save config, nor savegames.

DoomLegacy tries to use the MSYS home directory.
DoomLegacy does not use the MSYS home directory anymore.
MSYS sets the HOME environment variable to its own home directory for use by MSYS commands.

Older versions of DoomLegacy would use the MSYS home, but since DoomLegacy 1.46 it ignores a HOME environment variable that has the string MSYS in it.

If you had your home directory in MSYS, then it would be best to move to a more reasonable home location. You may have to specify it with the -home switch if it is an odd location.

Since DoomLegacy 1.46 also recognizes the environment variable "UserProfile" as home, which appears on WinXP (and probably later versions of Windows too). This will make the parent of "My Documents" your home directory automatically.

Where does DoomLegacy put the savegames.
DoomLegacy puts savegames and the saved config file in a doomlegacy home directory within the user home directory.
The doomlegacy home directory name is operating-system dependent. It is compiled with two choices, defined as DEFAULTDIR1 and DEFAULTDIR2 in the doomdef.h file. If neither of those directories is found, DoomLegacy will make a directory using the name from DEFAULTDIR1. The name defined by DEFAULTDIR2 is an older directory name, used to find existing directories from older versions of DoomLegacy.
  • Linux: ".doomlegacy", or previously ".legacy".
    This is a hidden directory. Use "ls -a" to see hidden directories, or enable seeing hidden directories in your preferences.
  • Windows: "doomlegacy", or previously "legacy".
    On WinXP and later, this may be hidden in the parent directory above "My Documents".
  • DOS: "dmlegacy", or previously "legacy".
DoomLegacy keeps losing my config settings.

The config settings are saved by DoomLegacy during program shutdown. If it is being killed some other way, the settings will not be saved.

If you are inconsisent about specifying your home directory, then DoomLegacy will create a new config file in each new location. If you find you have to setup your keyboard again, then you may have mistyped your -home directory name. Setup a profile or a batch file to start DoomLegacy from saved settings to ensure getting a consistent home directory.

Previous versions of DoomLegacy had a separate config file for OpenGL hardware rendering. This config file is no longer used. There is a new drawmode config file for OpenGL, with a different file name, and different content.

You will have to setup the drawmode config files if you want separate video settings for OpenGL hardware rendering. Each drawmode has an separate optional drawmode config file that pushes down and hides settings from the main config file.

The drawmode config files are optional. You do not have to create them or use them. You could only create one, such as for OpenGL.

Only put into each drawmode config file the video settings that are unique for that drawmode. This is usually video mode, fullscreen, and gamma settings.

How to create an OpenGL config file.
The Menu system offers to create an initial drawmode config file. When you are in drawmode config edit mode, and it detects that the drawmode config does not exist, it will offer to create one.
  • Goto the Video options menu.
  • Press "F3" to enter drawmode config edit mode.
  • Drawmode config edit mode will have DRAWMODE in WHITE text at the top of the screen. If you do not have DRAWMODE in WHITE text at the top of the screen, you are not in drawmode config edit mode.
  • Use the drawmode menu to select a drawmode (such as OpenGL).
  • If the config file for that drawmode does not exist, the menu will offer to create it (in WHITE text). If it does not offer to create the file, then a drawmode config file must already exist.
  • Press "C" to create an initial drawmode config mode. The video mode, fullscreen, vidwait, and gamma, will be included automatically.
  • Exit to the Video options menu. The drawmode config file entries are shown there while in drawmode config edit mode. Menu items that are not in the drawmode config file will be blank.
  • To add a menu item to the drawmode config mode, move to it, and press "INSERT". This will create a separate entry in drawmode config file, that will be used whenever that drawmode is being used.
  • To remove a menu item from the drawmode config mode, move to it, and press "DELETE". The setting from the main config file will then be used.
  • Press "F1" to exit the drawmode config edit mode. Now the menu will show the current settings that DoomLegacy is using. Some of these will be from the main config, and some will be from the drawmode config.
Config file edit mode. What is that?
DoomLegacy supports editing the config files from the menus. Not all menus support this. Some menus have items that only appear in the main config file, like the keyboard setup.
  • F1: Normal menu.
    Settings from the main config file and the drawmode config file are shown, and other.
  • F2: Edit main config file.
    Only settings from the main config file will show.
  • F3: Edit drawmode config file.
    Only settings from the drawmode config file will show. Menu items that are not in the drawmode config file will be blank.
  • F4: Normal menu
  • INSERT: Insert current menu item (at the cursor), into the config file being edited. The config file being edited appears in WHITE at the top of the screen.
  • DELETE: Remove the current menu item (at the cursor), from the config file being edited. The config file being edited appears in WHITE at the top of the screen.
Config file changes will be saved when exiting DoomLegacy.
My old OpenGL config file does not work.
The config file naming has changed.
  • The main config file is still named config.cfg.
  • The old OpenGL config file, glconfig.cfg, which contained all settings including keyboard settings, is no longer used.
  • The new OpenGL config file, configgl.cfg, contains only video specific settings. The user decides which settings they want using drawmode config edit mode (F3).
  • DoomLegacy remembers which settings were loaded from the drawmode config file, and writes them back again.
  • If you do something like rename glconfig.cfg to configgl.cfg, then the new drawmode config file will takeover all the config settings, including the keyboard setup. You also need to edit the new configgl.cfg file and delete any lines that the OpenGL config should not control. That is most of the config file. Those will default to the main config file settings.
    Be sure to delete the drawmode line from the drawmode config file.
How many config files are there?
Only config.cfg is required. The others are optional. Every drawmode can have its own drawmode config file, which only contains drawmode specific settings like video mode, fullscreen, and gamma.
  • The main config file: config.cfg
  • 8 bit palette draw: config8p.cfg
  • 15 bit software draw: config15.cfg
  • 16 bit software draw: config16.cfg
  • 24 bit software draw: config24.cfg
  • 32 bit software draw: config32.cfg
  • Explicit bpp software draw: configbp.cfg
    This currently has its own config. This may change.
  • Native software draw: confign.cfg
    This is the native video mode that is detected when DoomLegacy starts.
  • OpenGL draw: configgl.cfg
  • MiniGL draw: configmg.cfg
  • Glide draw: configwg.cfg
    Windows native port only
  • D3D draw: configwd.cfg
    Windows native port only
Can I put any other config lines into the drawmode config file?
Yes, almost any config file line can appear in a drawmode config file.

One exception is drawmode, do not put that in your drawmode config file.

You can go to other menus and insert entries into your drawmode config file. Some menus, like keyboard setup, do not have any menu support for INSERT to a drawmode config file.

When a friend comes over to play, he changes my keyboard settings. Is there any way to save my settings?

Give your friend (George) their own config file.
Start DoomLegacy with "-config george.cfg".

George will now have his own config settings, such as keyboard settings, and option settings. As long as you do not delete the file, George's settings will still be there next time he comes to visit. However, any video settings (such as gamma) in drawmode config files will still be shared. Make him a savegame subdirectory, otherwise his savegames will be mixed in with your savegames.

My friend needs more than just a config file. Is there any way to keep his settings and savegames separate?

Give your friend their own home directory.
Your friend will have an independent config.cfg, a set of drawmode config files, and a place for savegames.
Make a directory named "george_home".
Start DoomLegacy with "-home george_home".

DoomLegacy will make a doomlegacy directory in the george_home directory, where it will put config.cfg and savegames. On Linux this is a hidden directory, so the george_home directory will appear empty, but it is not empty.


I don't see any error messages from DoomLegacy, and I think there should be some. Where are the error messages going?
DoomLegacy now has an improved message control in the Options menu. It allows you to block some messages from the HUD and console during gameplay. If a problem occurs during gameplay, then turn the message control up to debug to see the messages. The message control only filters some of the messages from appearing on the HUD or console. The message routing will still send a copy of each message to other locations, to stderr, and to the log file (if enabled).

Starting DoomLegacy with the verbose switch (-v or -v2) will enable generating more messages, and will provide more detail about what DoomLegacy is doing. The -v2 switch dumps much more detail than you usually want to see, especially about video hardware.

Pre-release versions of DoomLegacy usually have debugging print statements (EMSG_debug) enabled full-time. Compiling with DEBUG_MESSAGES_ON enabled in doomdef.h, allows debug messages to be seen on the console and HUD at all times.

With a release version of DoomLegacy, use verbose (-v or -v2) to enable the same debug message displays. The message option control also can enable seeing debug messages during game play.

The development switch ( -devparm ) provides details meant for developing the game and game wads.

On Windows, the error messages go to a file "stderr.txt" that is left in the program directory.

I get the error "Error: W_GetNumForName: STBAR not found!" What is it?
You have an old version of doom.wad. Just upgrade your version to 1.9. You can find a patch on the id Software site.
When I play Heretic, there are all these error messages about missing textures.
The switch texture names for Doom and Heretic are hard coded into the program. The heretic switches were simply incuded with all the Doom switches, and the warning messages previously output were about the Doom switches that are not in the Heretic wad.
Since DoomLegacy 1.46, it has separate lists, and no longer puts out these warning messages.


The rocket launcher blows up and kills me.
This is the dehacked dehthing problem. Please read the other dehacked FAQ too.
The wad is putting a monster or other thing at the dehthing number that is used by DoomLegacy for rocket smoke. When a rocket is launched, DoomLegacy creates the rocket smoke, but the smoke has been changed to some monster instead by the DEH in the wad, so the rocket explodes.
DoomLegacy tries to detect dehacked thing numbers that conflict with doomlegacy uses of things, but sometimes it is not detectable. The user will need to specify the dehthing system that the wad used. If you do not know, then try some starting with prboom.
> doomlegacy -game doom2 -dehthing prboom -file

Man on the Moon:
> doomlegacy -game doom2 -dehthing boom -file

Wads with Dehacked monsters are not working properly ?
In wads like Valiant.wad, shooting the rocket launcher creates a monster in mid-air, and detonates the missile.
The "Lunch" item in this wad runs around the room and tries to bite me.
This is due to the wad creator using PrBoom thing numbers in the dehacked lump. PrBoom provides things for some of the Beta monsters, and their monster states. The matching thing numbers in Legacy are used for Legacy additions, and things like MBF Dogs. These things are hard-wired into the Legacy code, such as the rocket missile creating smoke, and the dog behavior. The PrBoom thing number for the Beta monster happens to match the smoke thing number in Doom Legacy.

As of Doom Legacy 1.48.10, there is automatic translation of dehacked thing numbers in the range 138 to 150. This detects the comment to translate the dehacked thing number to a thing in Doom Legacy that is similar.

To force the dehacked thing translation, use the dehthing command line switch. This forces the dehacked thing translation for the range 138 to 150. The switch selects: legacy, boom, prboom, or ee (Eternity Engine). Without the switch, it is automatic.

> doomlegacy -game doom2 -dehthing prboom -file prboom_specific.wad
If you have a wad with legacy dehacked things in the range 138 to 150, and one with prboom dehacked things in the range 138 to 150, on the same command line, you will have to leave it at automatic.

This is an improvised solution, and will likely see changes. For new wads, please use BEX.

The dogs in this wad are not displayed.
Doom Legacy does not provide dog sprites nor sounds in the legacy.wad. An IWAD or PWAD is expected to supply its own dogs, and dog sounds.

A supplementary dogs wad for Doom Legacy has been created, called dogs.wad. It has a basic German Shepherd, with dog sounds.

Specify the dogs.wad first, in case the wad does supply its own dog sprites or sounds. The dogs sprites and sounds, from the wad that is specified last, will be the ones that are used. This does not always work, due to some wads changing the names using dehacked.

> doomlegacy -game doom2 -file dogs.wad dogs_specific.wad

The wad can be renamed to dogs_dl.wad, if necessary.

The dogs get stuck upon on ledges. When I play this wad in PrBoom they jump down.
There are several options that control dogs, and they correspond to some of the compatibility settings in PrBoom. These are inherited from MBF.
  • dogs: adds friendly dogs to your party.
  • dogs jumping: allows friendly dogs to jump down, randomly, when player is within 144 units. When their target is below them, dogs can jump down from 128 high. Otherwise is dependent upon the setting of monkeys.
  • monkeys: substitutes MBF jump down tests that limit actual floor change to 24 units, and dropoff change to 24 units. Without monkeys, dogs are limited to 24 high dropoffs when their target is not near. Monkeys affects dogs, and all monsters too.
  • monster dropoff: MBF compatibility which allows dogs and monsters to use MBF rules for going over dropoffs. This also enables the MBF dogs jumping height tests, and monkeys logic. When their target is below them, monsters can jump down from 128 high. Without this, all monster jump down is limited to 24 high.
The monsters walk weird, walk backwards, and moon-walk.
This started with 1.47.2, and was fixed with 1.48.8.
For the affected versions, turn OFF the MBF monster avoid hazard option. That will stop it.
The monsters are distorted, appearing thin or fat.
Yes they are, and that is a new feature. Monsters can now have individual variations, with fat, thin, tall, short, fast, slow variations. If you want the standard monsters, turn off the monster variation control, OPTIONS > MAP VARIATIONS > MONSTER VARY.
The player acts weird in the Doom wad demos. Is there a setting to make the demos work right?
No, Demo compatibility is automated. Some improvements have been made in this compatibility with each release.

DoomLegacy loses sync with most of the Doom demos. It was decided some years back, that demo compatibility would be sacrificed in favor of new features and improvements.

The demos only record the player actions and movements. Every monster and object reaction is the result of applying random numbers and player input.

To playback a demo, the engine must generate the exact same sequence of random numbers, and apply them to get the exact same situation that developed during the recording. The monsters must react and walk the exact same paths as when the demo was recorded. Almost every calculation of the DoomLegacy engine must come out identical to the recording Doom engine. The slightest difference in using a random number, or in calculating a monster, player, or projectile position, has cumulative effects in the playback. With the slightest position error, it rapidly gets to the point where the playback of player movements is completely irrelevant to the current situation.

Some attempts have been made fix this with compatibility enables in the code, to revert the engine to generate compatible output This puts the bugs back in the code. The current demo compatibility code mostly covers Doom demo and Boom demo formats, but not others. It has improved old demo playback, somewhat.

DoomLegacy has its own variation on the demo format. Like Boom, it needs to record a whole bunch of optional settings, all which affect demo playback.

DoomLegacy 1.46, will playback demos recorded with DoomLegacy, and remain in sync. I will not make any guarantees on this for long demos, or every situation, as it has not been tested much.

Doomlegacy 1.47, has included some old code that is run for some old demos. This makes some of the old Doom demos stay in sync for much longer now.

The game does not look the same as other versions of Doom.
DoomLegacy is an advanced port with many new features. These features offer improved and alternative behaviors over previous versions and other ports. The controls to select your preferred behavior for these features are in the options menu. Your settings will be saved to your config file when you exit the game. These features can also be controlled by setting variables using the console.

However, if you're looking for the 100% authentic 1990s Doom experience, you could try Chocolate Doom.

I want to add switches to Heretic and Blasphemer wads. The SWITCHES lump works for Doom, but it does not work with Heretic.

This was fixed in DoomLegacy 1.46, which has separate Doom and Heretic internal switch tables.

Historical Info: Doom and Heretic would only load the switches for that version and lower, as identified by an episode number in the switch tables. The code has Shareware Doom episode = 1, Ultimate Doom episode = 2, Doom II episode = 3. Heretic has a similar scheme with Shareware episode = 1, and Heretic episode = 2, but it only contained two switches both with episode = 1.

The Boom SWITCHES lump was loaded for both Doom and Heretic game modes. The usage problem with Heretic was that in previous DoomLegacy the Heretic switch names were distinguished by having an episode = 4 in the entry, which required the SWITCHES lump to also have episode = 4. Such a SWITCHES lump would not have worked with other ports.

Since DoomLegacy 1.46, we no longer use that scheme. For compatibility, a Heretic SWITCHES lump should have episode = 1, or even episode = 2, but DoomLegacy will still accept switches lump entries with episode = 4 for Heretic.

I want to use the MBF21 features, how do I enable them.

The features of MBF21 are enabled by having a dehacked lump that uses them. This is also true of features of MBF, and other dehacked functions, such as those from Boom, PrBoom, and Eternity Engine. As of yet, there is no way to just turn on MBF, or MBF21, functionality. The dehacked lump can use dehacked or BEX format. Dehacked handling has been expanded to interpret MBF21 dehacked input.
These are new flags. Interpretations are from DSDA-Doom and the specs.

What are the dehacked attributes understood by DoomLegacy.
  • SOLID: Blocks other things, otherwise could walk through it.
  • SHOOTABLE: Can be hit.
  • COUNTKILL: When killed, counts toward kill total on intermission.
  • COUNTITEM: When pickup, counts toward item total on intermission.
  • AMBUSH: Not to be activated by sound. A deaf monster.
  • SPAWNCEILING: Will spawn hanging from the ceiling.
  • SHADOW: Partial invisibility (spectre), which makes targeting harder.
  • DROPOFF: Can jump or drop from high places.
  • PICKUP: Can and will pickup items (players).
  • SLIDE: Can slide against walls.
  • NOGRAVITY: Does not feel gravity (like floaters).
  • FLOAT: Active floater, can move freely in air.
  • INFLOAT: Do not auto-float to target height.
  • MISSILE: Is a missile. Explode on contact, except that cannot his same species as user (which may be altered much now).
  • SKULLFLY: Flying skulls, not a missile and not a floater.
  • SPECIAL: Call TouchSpecial when touched.
  • NOTDMMATCH: Do not spawn in DeathMatch, (like keycards).
  • NOBLOOD: Does not blood splat when hit, (like furniture).
  • NOCLIP: Not affected by collisions with lines nor other things.
  • TELEPORT: Not affected by cross lines, similar to NOCLIP. Docs claim it does check heights when teleport, but such behavior is not evident in the code.
  • NOSECTOR: Do not link into sector things. This makes it invisible but touchable.
  • NOBLOCKMAP: Do not link into the blockmap. This makes it inert but visible.
  • DROPPED: Item that can be dropped by a monster.
  • CORPSE: Act like a corpse, fall down stairs.
  • JUSTHIT: Will try to attack right back.
  • JUSTATTACKED: Will take at least one step before attacking.
  • Boom, PrBoom flags:
  • TRANSLATION4,TRANSLATION3,TRANSLATION2,TRANSLATION1: Player color translation, bit 4,3,2,1. PrBoom, MBF, Eternity Engine has only two bits of color translation.
  • TRANSLATION: Player color translation. Boom and PrBoom compatibility.
  • UNUSED1: Boom and PrBoom compatibility.
  • TRANSLUCENT: Boom translucent.
  • DoomLegacy flags:
  • MF2CLEAR: Clear all MF2 bits.
  • FLOORHUGGER: Stay on floor.
  • ONMOBJ: Thing is resting on top of another thing. DoomLegacy internal flag. There is little sense in setting it.
  • Heretic flags:
  • LOWGRAVITY: Experience 1/8 of gravity. Heretic.
  • WINDTHRUST: Affected by wind. Heretic.
  • HERETICBOUNCE: Bounces off floor. Heretic. (was FLOORBOUNCE)
  • THRUGHOST: Will pass through ghosts (missiles). Heretic.
  • FLOORCLIP: Feet may be clipped. Heretic.
  • SPAWNFLOAT: Spawned at random height. Heretic.
  • NOTELEPORT: Does not teleport. Heretic.
  • RIPPER: Rips through solid targets (missile). Heretic.
  • PUSHABLE: Can be pushed by other actor movements. Heretic.
  • CANNOTPUSH: Cannot push other pushable things. Heretic.
  • PASSMOBJ: Enable over and under other objects. Heretic.
  • BOSS: A major Boss, harder to kill, may have special effects. Heretic.
  • FIREDAMAGE: Does fire damage. Heretic.
  • NODAMAGETHRUST: Does not thrust the target when doing damage. Heretic.
  • TELESTOMP: Can telefrag another actor. Heretic.
  • FLOATBOB: Float uses bobbing motion. Heretic.
  • DONTDRAW: Invisible. Heretic.
  • MBF flags:
  • TOUCHY: Reacts upon contact. MBF.
  • BOUNCES: Bounces off walls. MBF.
  • FRIEND: Friend to player, such as dog. MBF.
  • MBF21 flags:
  • LOGRAV: Experience only 1/8 of gravity. MBF21.
  • RIP: Projectile rip, full volume sounds, splash immunity. MBF21.
  • SHORTMRANGE: Short missile range (14*64) (like vile). MBF21.
  • DMGIGNORED: Other monsters ignore when it attacks (like vile). MBF21.
  • NORADIUSDMG: Does not take damage from blast radius (like cyborg). MBF21.
  • FORCERADIUSDMG: Take damage from blast radius (cancels cyborg, spider, minotaur, sorcerer immunity). MBF21.
  • HIGHERMPROB: Missile attack prob min 37.5% (normal is 22%) (like cyborg). MBF21.
  • RANGEHALF: Missile attack prob uses half range (like undead, cyborg, spider, skull). MBF21.
  • NOTHRESHOLD: No target threshold (like vile). MBF21.
  • LONGMELEE: Long melee range (like revenant). MBF21.
  • MAP07BOSS1: Map07 Boss1 type, TAG 666 (like mancubus). MBF21.
  • MAP07BOSS2: Map07 Boss2 type, TAG 667 (like anachrotron). MBF21.
  • E1M8BOSS: E1M8 Boss type (like baron). MBF21.
  • E2M8BOSS: E2M8 Boss type (like cyborg). MBF21.
  • E3M8BOSS: E3M8 Boss type (like spider). MBF21.
  • E4M6BOSS: E4M8 Boss type (like cyborg). MBF21.
  • E4M8BOSS: E4M8 Boss type (like spider). MBF21.
  • FULLVOLSOUNDS: Full volume sounds (like spider, cyborg). MBF21.
Avactor wad sometimes has segfaults. This sometimes happens with other wads.
This has been investigated at least twice, and it is the Avactor dehacked changes that are causing it.

Doom states, from the original, have had some state action functions that require two parameters (player, psp). The two parameter functions are called when the player interacts with the current weapon. All other action functions only have the parameter (mobj).

Avactor dehacked is setting up new states, one of which is setting state[7] as its next state. State[7] is one of those that interacts with the weapons and has an action function with two parameters. This results in calling that function with only one parameter, and it segfaults.

Preventing this, or even detecting it, is going to require some inventiveness as this situation cannot be detected until all the dehacked changes are done. The problem is keeping compatibility with all the wads that have dehacked in them. There were no restrictions on what dehacked can do to the states, so anything that does not outright fail on the port they tested the wad upon, probably can be expected.

Some of the states differ for other ports, like PrBoom and Eternity. We have tried to get some compatibility with those ports and have provided a thing switch. However, this problem does not seem to hit those differing states. This being such a large dehacked lump, exactly how it fails is hard to determine.

Could not get it done for 1.48.16, it will have to wait.

Many of the Avactor maps can be played without encountering this. Again, do not know why.

The best solution may be to alter the Avactor dehacked lump to have a DoomLegacy version, that uses the extra states in DoomLegacy.


Mouse2 is grabbed by the system.

This happens for both Linux and Windows. The system uses both mice for moving the same screen pointer.

Windows: Go to the Devices control, find the mouse devices, and DISABLE the "Serial Mouse" driver. The serial mouse port itself will remain available through the COM devices.

Linux: Trying to get the X11 windowing system to not attach a serial mouse, is a work in progress. Let us know if you achieve a workable solution, that does not actually require mangling the X11 system.

Using the Linux "/dev/mouse2" port selection.
This follows the Linux practice of putting indirection in "/dev/" for common devices.

A mouse port that is showing up as "/dev/input/gpm2data" (a completely fictious example).
As root user: > ln -s /dev/input/gpm2data /dev/mouse2
Then in DoomLegacy you can use the "mouse2" setting of mouse2port.
The "mouse2" options do not appear.
MOUSE2 can be enabled/disabled as a compile option. When DoomLegacy is compiled without MOUSE2, the mouse2 options will not appear in the mouse menus.
The "Use_Mouse2" option will remain, as it disables keybord movement control. Joystick and other input devices may require that.
Connecting a serial mouse as MOUSE2 in Windows.

If the serial mouse is connected when Windows is started, then Windows will install a "Serial Mouse" driver. This will send serial mouse input to control the system pointer. Both mice will move the same screen pointer.

If the serial mouse is plugged in after the computer is started, then there is a risk of damaging the serial port. However, this is often done anyway (do at your own risk). Try to minimize static differences by touching the connector shell to the computer frame first. In this case, Windows does not install the "Serial Mouse" driver.

Go to the "Devices control" screen, find the serial devices. Find the "Serial Mouse" driver and disable it. This will prevent it from connecting in the future.

Connecting a serial mouse as MOUSE2 in Linux.
We don't know yet. Be the first to discover this amazing secret, and tell us so we can put that information here. The main problem seems to be getting X11 to not attach to the mouse.
Connecting a USB mouse as MOUSE2 in Windows.
Some Windows can connect a USB device to a COM port, like COM7. Don't know for older Windows, nor which Windows versions.
Connecting a USB mouse as MOUSE2 in Linux.
This is really desireable, but needs someone to figure it out. The main problem seems to be getting X11 to not attach to the mouse.
My mouse/joystick does not work.

First, check that the mouse/joystick is activated. On the console type either 'use_mouse', or 'use_joystick'. If it is '0' or off then that mouse/joystick is disabled. To set the variable to 1, type 'use_mouse 1'. There are also mouse menus with these control items.

Once the mouse or joystick is activated, you have to bind the buttons to controls in the setup controls menu.

My mouse/joystick settings don't work anymore.
DoomLegacy 1.48 changed some of the KEY names, and the config file key names.
  • The KEY_2MOUSExx are now KEY_MOUSE2xx.
  • The KEY_DBLMOUSExx are now KEY_MOUSExxDBL.
  • Unnecessary spaces were taken out of the button names. Thus, "mouse 2 b 3" is now "mouse2 b3".
How do I use an XBOX controller.

Support for XBOX controller is in DoomLegacy 1.48, but only for the SDL port. It is a compile option, so if you have a custom compilation, check that XBOX_CONTROLLER is defined.

If you are using the XBOX controller, without a keyboard, then several button controls need to be defined to access the menus and start the game. There are default assignments for these in the config, using buttons 0 through 8 of the first joystick/controller. Plug in a keyboard to do the setup, if you can. If you have 6 or more buttons, you should be able to play simple Doom and Heretic wads without a keyboard.

There is support for 4 joysticks, with each having 16 buttons, 2 triggers, and 2 hats.


The game doesn't restore the video mode I have chosen the last time I played DoomLegacy.
Doom Legacy lets the user test video modes before committing to using them. If you select a bad video mode, wait and let Doom Legacy timeout, and it will revert to the last good video mode. If you crash Doom Legacy or the system during a video mode test, do not worry, Doom Legacy will revert to the default Video Mode saved in the config.

When you change the video mode using the menus, it is only for the current session. To save it to the config file, it has to be made the 'default' video mode. The next time DoomLegacy is started it will use the 'default' video mode from the config file.

To set the current video mode as the default, press the 'd' key when in the Video mode menu.

To test an unknown video mode, press the 't' key. This provides an escape, and a timeout, in case the video mode displays badly.

If you select some video mode that will not display properly and you have to abort, or even reboot, you can kill DoomLegacy without letting it save config. The next time DoomLegacy is started it will revert to the known good video mode saved in the config file.

Do not set a video mode to default until you know it is good. If you have saved a bad video mode in the config and cannot see the video controls in the DoomLegacy menu, you will have to edit the config file by hand, or delete your config file to clear the bad video mode. The config file is re-written when DoomLegacy exits, so do not leave the config file open in your editor while running DoomLegacy.

The game display is sideways.
Some monitors can be tilted to be tall, for working with documents. They have display modes like 800x600, and 600x800. They can detect 600x800 (where the 800 is the height), assume the tilted mode, and display the raster accordingly. Other tilt monitors may sense the tilted mode with a switch instead. Use the 800x600 video mode instead.
The game display proportions are wrong.

There is a new "viewfit" control, which can be found in the Video menu. It has selections to fit the screen to the height or the width of the screen. With these selections the aspect ratio will be adjusted to draw on square pixels. The stretch selection will try to fit the screen, and will have an unusual aspect ratio for wide screens.

The original Doom graphics were designed for a 320x200 VGA display with a screen 4:3 physical aspect ratio. Consequently the pixels on these displays had a 5:6 physical aspect ratio, unlike most modern displays which have square pixels. This makes rendering the graphics on modern displays somewhat complicated.

The menus and intermission screens are scaled at integer ratios to fit the screen. This will often leave bars at the edges. Because these are wad images using color palette graphics, attempts at finer interpolation would require looking up blended palette colors, which would lead to a muddy look. To avoid this problem, the menus will be scaled larger or smaller in only integer ratios, with background fill bars.

The game rendering is fully scaled to display the same view at all video display modes.

In software render mode, DoomLegacy will proportion the display to keep the original display appearance. It will display with filler bars if necessary to do this. The pixels will not be identical to those from the original Doom.

In OpenGL mode using fullscreen, the introduction and intermission pictures are stretched to fill the screen. This does not keep the original aspect ratio and uses pixel RGB color blending.

There is an OpenGL FOV control, but it zooms and does not change the aspect ratio. The viewfit control, for fit_width and fit_height selections, scales the other direction to keep a proper aspect ratio.

When you have a 16:9 display, use the viewfit control to choose how the scaling is affected during gameplay. The stretch selection, stretches the normal 4:3 game screen to fit the actual video size. This was the behavior in previous DoomLegacy versions. The monitor may stretch it again to fill the actual monitor shape, or the monitor may use black bars instead. This will alter the appearance of rooms and sprites.

The fit_width selection, will scale to fit the width, with the height being scaled to the aspect ratio, and clipped to the screen size. If the height is extended, this may leave the player hand and gun floating in mid-air. The only thing that can be done about that is to select fit_height instead.

The fit_height selection, will size the scaling to fit the height, with the width being scaled to the aspect ratio, and clipped to the screen size.

If you are confused, put it into Auto mode. That chooses the least likely to annoy selection, based on the actual video mode.

Most monitors can be set to display a 4:3 aspect with black borders. Another alternative is to turn off fullscreen, and choose a window size that fills most of the screen.

I cannot use some of the large fullscreen video modes of my monitor.
There are many large format monitors that exceed the internal display limits in DoomLegacy.

There are limits to the monitor width because some structures are dependent upon the maxiumum video width. To expand the line width limit for a few, we would have to do it for every user regardless of their hardware.

Eventually, this will have to be changed to allow using larger monitors in fullscreen. That will require a rewrite of most of the texture segment code to some other, slower, texture segment state storage scheme.

DoomLegacy 1.48 has removed the maxiumum video width structures from the drawsegs, making them allocated. But, there is still work to be done before the maxiumum video width can be increased.

Display at a high resolution monitor may look nice, but drawing such a large screen slows the frame rate. Drawing at a resolution above 1600x1200 has limited appeal because the game response would be slow.

I cannot use the 16:9 format of my monitor.
DoomLegacy considers all monitor modes. Wide window modes have been added to the video selections.

There are some problems caused by wider monitor modes that are yet to be solved.

Is that cheating for one player to have a wider view? It is more fair in deathmatch for all players to have the same field of view? There may need to be network controls to limit the field of view in deathmatch.

This will also have to be changed soon (been saying that for years), as wide screen monitors are now commonplace.


The music volume control is not independent of the sound effects volume control.
More recent Windows products changed the sound interface to implement only one volume control for a program. All the Doom ports have had problems with this. DoomLegacy has not implemented any of the suggested solutions yet. One requires starting an independent task to play the music, just to get the independent volume control.
Sometimes the music will not start in the DoomLegacy X11 port.
If DoomLegacy is terminated, sometimes the Midi ports are not cleanly closed. Starting DoomLegacy again, setting the sound devices to something safe, and shutting it down again seems to work. After that, I have found that DoomLegacy music will work again.
FluidSynth does not make any music.
You have to have a FluidSynth server running before starting Doom Legacy. This would often be started by the system.

If you start FluidSynth yourself, do not forget to specify a soundfont with music devices. You can use FluidR3_GM.sv2, which also can be used with TiMidity. You might also try the GeneralUser_GS sound font.

The FluidR3_GS.sv2 soundfont, is just weird sounds and special effects, and does not work for music.

FluidSynth sounds much different than TiMidity.
This would be the soundfont used, and FluidSynth default settings. The same DoomLegacy code drives both TiMidity and FluidSynth.
SDL sound failures.
The SDL Mixer is detected at the compile time. The User must have an SDL Mixer version installed that is compatible or better. Otherwise the DoomLegacy code will call SDL Mixer functions that do not exist in your installed SDL Mixer version.
My machine for compiling Win binaries has SDL Mixer 1.2.8.
My machine for compiling Linux binaries has SDL Mixer 1.2.12 (but 1.2.10 will probably work too).
The sound code will detect and compile with SDL Mixer 1.2.8, SDL Mixer 1.2.10, SDL Mixer 1.2.12, and SDL2 Mixer. This is detected at compile time. The compiled sound code is adjusted according to the SDL Mixer library present when compiled.
The run-time user must have a compatible SDL installed (the same or better).
The SDL Mixer 1.2.8 does NOT have MIX_INIT, but the SDL Mixer 1.2.10 does, and SDL2 does too. The MIX_INIT provides some device detection and reporting to the user what was found.
The code still supports compiling for SDL Mixer older than 1.2.8, but those do not have RWOPS, and thus music playing with that Mixer will then use the hard-drive. This is detected and determined at compile-time, and running with a newer SDL Mixer will not affect that compile decision.
  • Network

    Where can I find Internet servers?
    Try Doom Connector.

    The last I heard, there was still a DoomLegacy server up, but it was running an older DoomLegacy.

    The Game server locations respond to requests. The interested parties should submit a request to the Game Server to host a DoomLegacy 1.48 Server.

    We have a fast computer, can we use it as an DoomLegacy Internet server?
    You only need the IP address of your fast computer, and that IP addresses must be communicated to the other players (probably by cell-phone or email).

    A static IP address only has to be setup once in the DoomLegacy Server menu of each player.

    If it is a dynamic IP address, then each player must setup the server IP address every time the server connects to the Internet, because that IP address will likely be different each time.

    Your success at this may depend upon filtering done by your IP service providers. It will not work if they are blocking packets using the DoomLegacy port address (port 5029).

    Your firewall also has to let through the DoomLegacy port address (port 5029).

    You could use a different port number, and even have several servers on the same machine using different port numbers. See the network port explanation in the docs.

    What IP address should we use for a local network?
    The IP addresses in the range to are reserved for local network usage.

    Your local network will be limited to an address range, a subnet. If your netmask is the usual, then your subnet is limited to only vary the last number, and all the computers on that subnet must have the same first three numbers.

    Pick an IP address for your server, such as All your player computers then need to have unique IP addresses on the subnet 192.168.3.xx, where xx is 2..254.

    For this example, lets consider the network, which has a computer, and two visitors at, and

    If you have a router with DHCP, such as your wifi-router, then it will automatically assign an IP address in your subnet when the visitor computer connects to the wifi. Without DHCP, you have static IP addresses, and the visitors will have to modify their IP address to work on your network.

    If your DoomLegacy server is connected using DHCP, then the server IP address may be different then last time you played. You will then have to config every client computer to use the new server IP address, which is bothersome. Most modern routers will connect a recognized computer to the same IP address it used last time it was connected. You can set up your router to do this. Make sure the server connects to the network first, so some client does not steal the preferred IP address it uses.

    Even better is to set the router to assign a static IP address to the server. That IP address will then be reserved to be only used by the server.

    Without DHCP, modern internet communications should allow you to add the server IP address to your recognized addresses (static or manual routing) for a particular hardware device (like your wifi-router, or Ethernet router, assuming you have the firewall enabled). Just login to your router and add the needed addresses, you should not have to replace any existing internet address.

    Your firewall has to let through the DoomLegacy server port address (by default, port 5029). You can setup DoomLegacy to use a different port number.

    It does not matter what IP address the clients get, as long as it is an address on your subnet. The server will discover the client IP address from their first connect message.

    If any of your clients are using an unusual port address, then your firewall will also need to let through messages to that port.

    My ISP does not like Port 5029, can we change it?
    There is another Doom at 5029, can we use a different port?
    The server port can be specified using a command line switch "-udpport 5104". You must avoid any existing port your ISP may be using for services.

    The user reserved ports start at 5000. I recommend only going up from 5029, such as 5100 .. 5199, to avoid other programs.

    All your players (clients) must specify the same port number on their command line, and fix their firewalls to allow through packets that use that port.

    DoomLegacy will not play with older DoomLegacy servers?

    Minor versions of DoomLegacy (1.48) are usually not network compatible with other minor versions of DoomLegacy (1.46). It will likely have a different network version number. They would also quickly lose sync, and someone would get kicked, due to differences in random number usage.

    DoomLegacy 1.47 uses Network Version 24
    DoomLegacy 1.48 uses Network Verson 26.
    Some of the network messages have been changed.

    Since DoomLegacy 1.46, the network code has been hardened against malicious packets overrunning buffers and to block others from using file download to explore your file system.

    Older versions of DoomLegacy should be eliminated from network usage for security reasons. With so many important bug fixes, there is no reason to be using older DoomLegacy for network play.

    Each client should ideally run the same version of DoomLegacy as the server. Otherwise, some slight play difference may get them kicked due to consistency failure.

    As soon as I add a bot to the game, the other players are kicked with a consistency error message.
    Is there a way to have bots in a network game?
    Yes, bots are compatible with network play, now (finger's crossed). Bots have gotten much more reliable since DoomLegacy 1.48.10, when some more network communication and startup evils were corrected. You should be able to use them like other players now. But, they are still annoying, running around and getting into trouble. Try playing with 4 of them, as you may lose some.

    Otherwise, it depends upon the DoomLegacy version. Bot creation, and bot game play, got improved in DoomLegacy 1.48 early versions. You can try adding the bots last. Sometimes a new player got the same player slot that a bot had taken. The startup communications got reworked in later versions to fix these problems.

    DoomLegacy before 1.48, bots would not work with network games. They would trigger players getting kicked in the clients.

    Some integration with other DoomLegacy features, such as network play, splitplayer, and saving games, has not been entirely done yet.